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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)?
When I’m not punching, kicking, elbowing, kneeing the heavy bag, or practicing armbars and chokeholds, I’m here busting my ass three to four times a week reminding myself that I’m doing this for a reason.

What is your favorite thing about BCF?
I like that the workouts are challenging and never always the same and so it keeps things fresh. I learned quickly what are my strengths and weaknesses, and I continue to work to improve both. Also, BCF has fantastic coaches that teach well, have good attention to detail, and have that positive, encouraging attitude that helps motivate you.

What is your favorite movement/workout? Least favorite?
I like box jumps – very helpful movement for when I need to pounce on prey. There’s a tie for my least favorite – I hate that assault bike – it mocks me, it taunts me. And then there are the overhead squats and snatches that are the bane of my existence.

What accomplishment are you most proud of (inside or outside the box)?
The fact that I’m still here doing CrossFit after five years is already an accomplishment in and of itself. Before BCF, I had never lifted weights, never jumped boxes, never climbed a rope, or done any other movements. When I came in that first day to do an Intro class, I had no idea or even the intention of coming back, but I did and here I am. I’ve seen over the years how I’ve taken my mind and body to the limit, sometimes even past it, and still be standing at the end wanting and ready to do more.

What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year?
If I could just get over the fear of getting upside down and do one handstand pushup…

What advice can you provide to people new to the box?
Don’t be intimidated by the movements, the weights, the in-crowds, or the intensity of the workouts. Show up and you will leave feeling better than when you walked in. Build yourself slowly and take your time. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing – focus on yourself and your own path. Make an effort to thank your coach and show appreciation to them after each WOD you attend. They are the ones who will help you improve throughout your time here. And finally, enjoy the journey and enjoy the ride.


Every :30 for 10 Rounds
2 Push Press @65 – 75%


15 Toes to Bar
10 Deadlifts (115/75)
5 Power Snatches (115/75)


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Arctic Core Blast – 6:45pm!!!! 

Coach Cooper just finished his 12 Week Performance Coaches Academy with Olympian Cara Heads Slaughter!


1: 5 Plank to Pike on Rower Seat (Fx: Box)
2: :15 – :30 Parallette L-Sit Hold (Fx: Tuck Hold) (Rx+: Rings)
3: 10 Alternating Cossack Squats


4 Rounds
12 Alternating Single Arm Devil’s Presses (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Rx+: 70/50)
6 Ring Muscle Ups (Fx: Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups) (Rx+: 8 RMUs)


Monday, February 15, 2021

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayPower Cleans
TuesdayGymnastics / MetconCore Blast – 6:45pm!
Free Beginner CrossFit – 6:45pm REGISTER
WednesdayPush Press
ThursdayFront Squat
FridaySquat Snatch
SaturdayRomanian Deadlift
Skills & Mobility Class at 1:15pm: Handstand Pushups

Weightlifting Seminar (Week 4: Jerk) at 1:15pm
SundayLong ConditioningYoga – 10:00am



E2MOM 10
1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean (↑)


Every 1:30 for 2 Rounds
1: 30/21 Calorie Assault Bike (Fx: 25/18) (Rx+: 35/23)
2: AMRAP Air Squats
3: Rest
4: Rest

40 air squats minimum per round to achieve Rx/Fx/Rx+.


Sunday, February 14, 2021


Yoga with Kristen!!! – 10:00AM



“Valentines Day”
With a Partner, One person working at a time.
Row 1000m 
50 Overhead Kettlebell Walking Lunges
50 Kettlebell Swings
50 Kettlebell Hang Cleans 
50 Kettlebell Push Press 
50 Pushups 
50 Squat Cleans (95/65) (Rx+: 115/80) 
50 Box Jumps (24/20) 
50 Sit-ups 
50 Burpees 
Row 1000m 

Rx Kettlebell: (24/16) 
Rx+ Kettlebell: (32/24) 

Male/Female teams must share the same barbell for squat cleans and adjust the weight each time they switch.

Solo version: Half the reps.


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Open Gym is Cancelled Saturday Afternoon for the Weightlifting Seminar

Skills Class 1:15pm:  Bar Muscle Ups

We are excited to celebrate 9 years at BCF! While we have remained laser focused on providing the best coaching and fitness program in the DMV to challenge our members to high levels of fitness, the journey has been quite difficult over the past 12 months. Luckily, we are fortunate to have an awesome community of members who have supported us as we’ve navigated these murky waters. So after 9 years we want to shout THANK YOU for being awesome and showing us what true community is all about. We support you and you support us…it’s a beautiful thing! 

As we look forward, it’ll be a few more tough months but we are 100% confident we’ll emerge from this unexpected pandemic a strong and fit community! Our pledge to you is that we will continue to keep our doors open so you can achieve your fitness goals in 2021 and beyond! As we push forward to our 10 year anniversary, let’s be strong together.

Thank you for all of your trust, support and loyalty you’ve shown to our small business! See you at the gym!


Every 1:30 for 10 Sets
1 Squat Snatch (ME)


30 – 20 – 10
Burpees Over the Bar
Front Rack Lunges (115/80) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 135/95)

Time Cap 16:00


Friday, February 12, 2021


E3MOM 15
Romanian Deadlifts
1: 8@45 – 50%
2: 8@45 – 50%
3: 8@45 – 50%
4: 8@50 – 55%
5: 8@50 – 55%

% Based on 1RM Deadlift


4 – 8 – 12 – 16 – 20…
Box Jump Overs (24/20) (Rx+: Clear the Box)
Toes to Bar


Thursday, February 11, 2021


Every :30 for 10 Rounds
2 Strict Press @ 65 – 70%


E3MOM 24
250/200m Row (200m Run if weather permits)
200/150m Ski Erg
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Hang Power Snatches (95/65) (Fx: 75/55)
4: Rest


Wednesday, February 10, 2021


1 Power Clean (ME)


5 Rounds
50 Double Unders (Rx+: 75 Double Unders)
10 Each Side Dumbbell Suitcase Deadlifts (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Rx+: 70/50)
10 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Rx+: 70/50)