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Monday, January 29, 2018


Overview of Week:
Monday: Row/clean intervals
Tuesday: Back Squat and “Worse Karen”
Wednesday: Floor Press
Thursday: Deadlift
Friday: Open WOD 16.3
Saturday: Shoulder to Overhead Complex
Sunday: Handstand Walk/AMRAP Intervals

On a 40:00 running clock:
From 0:00 to 9:00
750m Row
21 Power Cleans (135/95#) Fx = 95/65# Rx+ = 185/125#
Max Reps Burpees-Over-DB (2018 Open standard) in remaining time
Rest 1:00
From 10:00 to 19:00
750m Row
15 Power Cleans (165/115#) Fx = 115/85 # Rx+ = 205/135#
Max Reps Burpees-Over-DB (2018 Open standard) in remaining time
Rest 1:00
From 20:00 to 29:00
750m Row
9 Power Cleans (185/125#) Fx = 135/95 # Rx+ = 225/155#
Max Reps Burpees-Over-DB (2018 Open standard) in remaining time
Rest 1:00
From 30:00 to 40:00
10 Minutes to Establish 1 RM Power Clean
*Record Total Burpees and 1 RM Power Clean


Sunday, January 28, 2018

4 RFT*, with a partner, one partner working at at time:
17 Box Facing Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
17 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
17 DB Thrusters (2 x 50/30#) Fx = 35/20#
17 HSPU (Fx = push-ups)
17 DB Snatches, alternating (50/30#)
17 TTB (Fx = hanging knee raises)
17 DB Squat Cleans (2 x 50/30#)
17 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
17 Calorie Row
*45 Minute Cap


Saturday, January 27, 2018

5 sets of 4 reps*
Rest as needed
*Add 10+ lbs over last weeks 5 sets of 5

On an 8:00 Clock
800m Run Buy-in, then in the remaining time AMRAP:
8 Kettle Bell Swings (24/16 kg) (Rx+ = 32/24 kg)
8 Pull-ups (Rx+ = C2B Pull-ups)
8 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115/75#)


Friday, January 26, 2018

5 Sets of:
Low Hang Snatch + Snatch (drop barbell between reps)
Rest as needed

AMRAP 14 Minutes:
7 Muscle-ups (Fx = Ring Dips x 14 or Ring Push-ups x 14)
50 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
100 Double-Unders


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Rope climb technique
Wear tall socks!
6 RFT:
200m Run
3 Rope Climbs (15’)
6 Hang Power Clean (155/105#) Fx = 115/80
12 V-Ups

Post-WOD Finisher
EMOM 9 (3 sets) of:
Min 1 – :40 Side Plank – Right
Min 2 – :40 Side Plank – Left
Min 3 – 30 Bicycle Crunches



Wednesday, January 24 2018

25 Minutes to Establish:
1 RM Clean and Jerk
Recommended percentages to 1 RM = 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 101, 101+

20 Double-Unders, 1 HSPU (Fx = Scaled to Pike on Box / Push-ups) RX+ = Strict HSPU
20 Double-unders, 2 HSPU
20 Double-Unders, 3 HSPU…

Post-WOD Finisher:
DB Skull Crushers (on floor) x 15 reps
Hollow Rocks x 15 reps


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Free Class tonight at 6:30pm with Coach Tucker! Invite your friends – great opportunity for anyone who wants to try CrossFit for the first time!

Having pain/tightness?!? Arlington Pain and Rehab will be offering free chiropractic treatment tonight from 5-6:30pm. First come, first served basis for basic treatment and information. Don’t miss the opportunity for some professional help with your self-care.

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Strict Weighted Pull-up x 5 reps (Fx = work on 3 sets of 5-10 strict pull-ups / assisted pull-ups / ring-row)
(Record score for 5 RM weighted pull-up)

On a 20:00 Clock:
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run (sub 250m row if too cold)
Max Reps KBS (24/16 KG) (Rx+ = 32/24 KG)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Push-ups
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Pull-ups (Fx = assisted pull-ups, Rx+ = C2B)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Sit-ups (Rx+ = Toes-to-Bar)
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Lunges in Place
Rest 1 minute
Score = Total Reps
Post-WOD Finisher
45 Second Plank Hold


Monday, January 22, 2018

Strength/Skill Schedule
Monday: Back Squat
Tuesday: Strict Pulls/ Amrap Intervals
Wednesday: Clean and Jerk 1RM
Thursday: Run-Climb-Clean
Friday: Snatch Complex
Saturday: Deadlift
Sunday: 4 Round Chipper

Back Squat:
4 sets of 3 @ 85%,
then one set of max reps @ 80% (go for more reps than last week)
For time:
40 DB Snatch, alternating (50/35#) Fx = 35/20#*
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)*
30 DB Snatch (50/35#) Fx = 35/20#
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
20 DB Snatch (50/35#) Fx = 35/20#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
10 DB Snatch (50/35#) Fx = 35/20#
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
*2018 Open Standards for DB Snatch (no alternating hands above head)
*Box Facing BBJO, 2017 Open Standards