Yoga with Jenna at 10am, free for members and $10 for friends! ============================== Back squat 5×3 (A) 12 min AMRAP: 12 push press* 75/55 12 wall balls* 20/14 12 sit-ups *immediate 3 burpee penalty for breaking on the push press or wall balls (any time you are not in continuous motion on either movement)Read More
Today! Self Defense Seminar with Nova Self Defense from 3:00-5:30pm. Registration link: Concepts Include: Self-defense mindset discussion: becoming less of a target, improving awareness, understanding intuition Learn how attacks happen, how to identify the precursors to violence, and when it is appropriate to use your voice or take action Simple striking mechanics and practice...Read More
Dec 5th-Saturday, 3-5:30pm: 2.5 hour in-depth self defense seminar for men and women ====================== We are offering our final Foundations class of the year for only $99 – let your friends know! It starts on Tuesday, December 8th! ============================================================== 3 Front Squats + 2 S2OH 5 sets of 1 complex (ME) (From the...Read More
FREE Boot Camp & Yoga TONIGHT from 6:30-8:00pm. Invite your friends and get ready to sweat (6:30 & 7:30pm WOD are cancelled)! =========== We are offering our final Foundations class of the year for only $99 – let your friends know! It starts on Tuesday, December 8th! =========== Dec 5th-Saturday, 3-5:30pm: 2.5 hour in-depth self...Read More
FREE Boot Camp & Yoga this Thursday, December 3, 6:30-8:00pm. Invite your friends and get ready to sweat! =========== We are offering our final Foundations class of the year for only $99 – let your friends know! It starts on Tuesday, December 8th! ============================================================== Rope climb Skill/ Technique E2MOM 12: 1 RX: 1 Legless +...Read More
FYI Morning Athletes: Sarah’s schedule has changed and she will no longer be able to coach Tuesday mornings, but we have added Coach Marcus from CFR7 to the mix! Moving forward, the morning coaching schedule is as follows: Monday- BJ, Tuesday- Tucker, Wednesday- Clay, Thursday- Marcus, Friday- Rich. FREE Boot Camp & Yoga this Thursday,...Read More
Today is MOVEMBER MONDAY! Men, rock your facial hair with pride. Ladies (and clean shaven men), we have stick on ‘staches waiting for you! Tonight: Rudy Caballeros from Arlington Nutrition Corner will be at BCF from 5:00pm-8:00pm. During this time, he will be educating members on proper supplementation to coincide with training and nutrition. He will also...Read More
Yoga with Claire at 10am (may want to bring layers as it may be chilly) – free for members and $10 for friends! ==================================== Snatch balance 5×2 ME 5 rounds for time: 5 HSPU 7 squat snatches 95/65 9 box jumps (24/20) Feel free to scale up with a deficit HSPU and/or higher box!Read More
Please note– 9:00 am class cancelled today. ====================== Deadlifts 5 x 5 Touch and Go @ 80-85% After each set perform 3 Box jumps RX: 30/24 FX: 24/20 Rest a minimum of :90 between sets. Wodapalooza Team Wod Qualifier 7 Death by: Burpee Thruster 95/65 (1 rep of each movement per minute)Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.