
Success Stories
CrossFit never crossed my mind as a workout regimen that would appeal to me. I was always cardio heavy, having run track in high school and then marathons as an adult. Once I achieved my running goals, though, I fell into a workout rut.  The workout rut intensified when I got pregnant in 2018. My...
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As I turned 50 this year, I wanted to get a jumpstart for the next 50. I was on a mission to find the best gym in Arlington with a workout structure that will make an overall impact, where I can progress and maintain a healthier lifestyle. I wanted a program that offered challenges, something...
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I’ll start the story of my journey back in the senior year of high school football days. My senior year we won the regional championship, only to lose the following weekend in the state semifinals.  After the season was over I did what most undisciplined high football players do, I got lazy.  Looking back now...
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My name is Anisa Vintimilla. I joined BCF in November 2020 (yes, 2020, that awful year when we were stuck at home). I also happened to have just moved to Arlington in the middle of the pandemic and I was bored, had zero friends. I had nothing to do but stay at home watching tv...
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Completing the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) in one trip is a mammoth undertaking. Each year, thousands of hikers attempt the over 2,000 mile journey and only about one in four makes it all the way.⁣⁣One of those hikers is our very own Faith Breads! It’s always nice when our athletes make their fitness functional. Here’s what...
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When I started Ballston CrossFit in January 2021, it was the first time I ever picked up  a barbell or incorporated any semblance of strength training into a workout routine. To say that the beginner “Foundations” classes were challenging for me from a coordination standpoint would be an understatement. Just ask Brock or Mack. I...
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Hi! My name is Stephanie Percoco and I joined Ballston CrossFit in August 2020 as a way to get back on track with my health and fitness. Also, I needed a social outlet during the pandemic. Growing up, I was a competitive figure skater and was part of the color guard in my high school’s...
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I started CrossFit when I joined Ballston CrossFit in August 2020, and my success story is still very much a work in progress. I feel like finding a gym that has become an integral part of my life is a success in and of itself. My background is that I was a college club hockey...
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I’ve always considered myself a fit person, but that definition has changed significantly over time. I’ve played competitive sports my whole life. High school introduced me to weightlifting, which continued in college. After graduation, the price of gyms in the area dissuaded me from memberships. My workout routine became a mix of Insanity, track workouts,...
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My name is Claire Nichting and I have been a member at Ballston Crossfit since April 2017. I’ve always been athletic but was looking for a new challenge, in addition to finding a way to get more plugged into the Arlington community. Since becoming a BCF member, I’ve seen positive progress, but those gains have...
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