Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayUpper Body StrengthFree Beginner CrossFit – 6:45pm REGISTERTuesdayFront SquatCore Blast – 6:45pm! WednesdayPower Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Power SnatchThursdayDeadliftsOpen 21.1 Announcement at 8pm!FridayTBASaturdayOpen Workout 21.3Skills Class at 1:15pm: Toes to BarSundayTBAYoga – 10:00am Strength: 3 Rounds40 Banded Biceps Curls40 Banded Triceps Extensions20 Barbell Shrugs1 Minute Easy Ski/Bike/Row/Run Use band/weights that can be completed...Read More
Best of NoVA! Click HERE to vote BCF as the best CrossFit Gym in Northern Virgina! We have won this award 4 years in a row and would be honored to make it 5 straight! 5 Year Member Spotlight!Dustin Lieske (November 2015)– How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)?5-6...Read More
THE OPEN IS HERE!!!Here are some details for this year’s OpenThe Open workouts will be done on Saturday during all of the normal classes with a makeup session on Sunday at 12:15pm. If you cannot make these times you can complete the workout at CrossFit Route 7 on Fridays. (Email [email protected] to coordinate)If you cannot...Read More
Congratulations to our member Mikhail and Anna’s recent engagement! Sending lots of love as you celebrate your engagement. We hope your future together is filled with infinite happiness, laughter, and love. Strength: E2MOM 161: 5 Bench Press (↑)Can be dumbbell or barbell bench press.2: 10 – 15 GHD Sit Ups (Fx: Weighted Sit Ups) Conditioning:...Read More
Best of NoVA! Click HERE to vote BCF as the best CrossFit Gym in Northern Virgina! We have won this award 4 years in a row and would be honored to make it 5 straight! Strength: EMOM 121: 20 Hollow Rocks2: 8 Strict Tempo Ring Rows (:03 Eccentric) (Fx: 6)3: 10 Arch Extensions (:02 Hold)4: :30...Read More
Skills Class 1:15pm: Rope Climbs THE OPEN IS HERE!!!Here are some details for this year’s OpenThe Open workouts will be done on Saturday during all of the normal classes with a makeup session on Sunday at 12:15pm. If you cannot make these times you can complete the workout at CrossFit Route 7 on Fridays. (Email...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.