Make sure to check Zen Planner for updated schedule: Tonight there will NOT be a 7:30, 8:30PM WOD Thanksgiving day: Open gym 7-8AM then: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00AM WOD Congrats to our BCF ladies, Jenny, Rachel and Erika on placing 3rd at the Girls Gone Rx competition. Conditioning: E2MOM 14Panda Pull + High Hang...Read More
Mobility Class 6:00PM- Hip and TrunkCore Blast 6:45PM!!! Congrats to Coach Stacey and members, Brooke, Paul, and Grant on placing 2nd in the Scaled division at the MACC (Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Challenge) Conditioning: AMRAP 2010 Pull Ups20 Push Ups400m Run Strength: 5 Rounds1 Turkish Get Up Each Arm20 Russian TwistsRead More
BCF Guys! Get ready because we are bringing back guys Whiskey and WOD. Bring some drinks and snacks and come WOD and hang out! This event is free and the WOD does not require CrossFit experience nor do you have to drink, so if you have any friends that want to tag along, feel free...Read More
BCF Ladies! Get ready because we are bringing back Ladies Night Wine and WOD. Bring some drinks and snacks and come WOD and hang out! This event is free and the WOD does not require CrossFit experience, so if you have any friends that want to tag along, feel free to bring them! Please reserve...Read More
RSVP via Facebook BCF Members! Come hang out with us on our biggest event of the year! We’ll be back at Quincy Hall this year on December 15th @ 7pm to celebrate the holidays! Some food and snacks will be provided for by BCF, drinks will not be included. You DO NOT want to miss...Read More
Come join us for a fun FREE Boot Camp workout followed by a casual discussion about faith. People of all fitness levels (CrossFit experience is not required) and all faiths (including no faith) are welcome! Bring along a friend (or 2)! Join our Facebook group here Plan to arrive around 3:15pm so we can...Read More
SCHEDULE UPDATE: 5:30pm Class Cancelled Strength: Rx:5 Rounds10 V-Ups5 Plank to Pike with feet on Rower Seat10 Kettlebell Jefferson Curls Fx:5 Rounds10 Tuck-Ups5 Plank to Pike with feet on Box10 Kettlebell Jefferson Curls Conditioning: AMRAP 1010 Overhead Squats (95/65) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 115/80)15 American Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)20/15 Calorie Row (Fx: 15/10)Read More
Come throwdown for a in house competition! Teams of 2 (M/M) (F/F) (M/F) with three divisions!Scaled, Fx and Rx!Afterwards we’ll have BBQ catered to the gym! Free for members to play and eat!Grab a friend and let’s GOOOOO! Classes will be cancelled as we will be using the gym for the throwdown and bbq that...Read More
We have teamed up with O.W.N. to bring you a wonderful nutrition challenge! Join O.W.N. for 50 days of WORK! Who is O.W.N? They are Optimal Wellness & Nutrition, a team full of experts to guide you through wellness, diet coaching and everything fitness related. Their coaches specialize in educating their clients on how to...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.