
Strength: Back SquatE3MOM 15Set 1: 4@75-80%Set 2: 4@80-85%Set 3: 4@80-85%Set 4: 4@80-85%Set 5: 4@85-90% Conditioning: 400m Run21 Deadlifts (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)15 Overhead Squats (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)9 Bar Muscle-ups400m Run18 Deadlifts (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)12 Overhead Squats (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)6 Bar Muscle-ups400m Run Time Cap: 18 minutes.Rx+: 135/95
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REMINDEROlympic Weightlifting Seminar this Saturday with Coach Brock! SIGN UP HERE >> 5:15 – 7:15 PMFree Airrosti FIT Assessments. DETAILS and SIGN-UPs >> Strength: E2MOM 203 Power SnatchesSet 1: 60%Set 2: 65%Set 3: 70%Set 4: 75%Set 5: 75%Set 6: 80%Set 7: 80%Set 8: 85%Set 9: 85%+Set 10: 85%++ Conditioning: AMRAP 340/35 Cal Row (Fx: 30/25)Max...
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5:00 – 6:30 PMFree Chiropractic Treatment from Arlington Pain and Rehab. DETAILS >> 6:30 PMFree Beginner CrossFit Class! Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer! 6:45 PMCore Blast with Shauna! Conditioning: “Filthy Fifty”For Time50 Box Jumps (24/20)50 Jumping Pull-ups50 Kettlebell Swings (16/12)50 Walking...
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Overview of the Week Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday:Sunday: Bench Press/ Pendlay RowFilthy FiftyPower SnatchesBack SquatsClean & Jerk ComplexSnatches+GymnasticsDeadlifts Congratulations to Coach Brandon and Casey! Strength: Every 1:30 for 4 Rounds of Each, AlternatingStation 1: 5 Bench Press (ME)Station 2: 5 Pendlay Row (ME) Conditioning: 5 Rounds for Time5 Power Cleans (155/105) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 185/125)10 Hand Release Push-ups100...
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10:00 AMYoga with Kristen! 1:20 PMSkills & Mobility Workshop is CANCELLED. Brandon is off getting married! Flex on the Mall 2019 Squad! Strength: EMOM 12Min 1: 3 Strict Toes-to-Bar with 3 second negative + 6 Kipping Toes-to-BarMin 2: RestMin 3: 3 Strict Pull-ups with 3 second negative + 6 Kipping Pull-upsMin 4: Rest Fx:Min 1:...
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ALL DAYFLEX ON THE MALL 12:00 NOONFREE Beginner CrossFit Class! Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer! Strength: E3MOM 211 Snatch Pull + 1 Squat Snatch + 2 Hang Squat Snatch (ME) Conditioning: For Time50 Double Unders 10 Deadlifts (275/185)(205/135) 50 Double Unders...
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Strength: Back SquatE3MOM 15Set 1: 4@75-80%Set 2: 4@75-80%Set 3: 4@80-85%Set 4: 4@80-85%Set 5: 4@80-85% Conditioning: AMRAP 4: 25 Wall Balls (20/14)25 Abmat Sit-Ups Max Reps Burpees Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 25 Abmat Sit-Ups 25 Burpees Max Reps Wall Balls (20/14)Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 25 Burpees 25 Wall Balls (20/14)Max Reps Abmat Sit-Ups
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NEW CLASS ADDED!7:30 am classes now happen every weekday! Join us for the new 7:30 am on Thursdays! Huge congratulations to Coach Justin and Heather on the newest addition to the family! Welcome to the world, Rosemary Odesse! Strength: E3MOM 21Power Clean + Hang Power CleanSet 1: 75%Set 2: 80%Set 3: 80%Set 4: 85%Set 5:...
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REMINDERFlex on the Mall is this Saturday! Come support all the CFR7 and BCF teams competing! Strength: Beginners: Rope Climb Technique RX+: 12 Legless Climbs for time RX: 12 Climbs for time Fx: 8 Climbs for time Conditioning: AMRAP 2150/40 Calorie Row40 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (24/16)30 Box Jumps (24/20)20 Dumbbell Power Snatches (50/35)(35/20)10/7 Ring...
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6:45 PMCore Blast with Shauna! 7:45 PMFree Beginner CrossFit Class! Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer! Strength: E2MOM 161 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks (ME) From ground or rack. Conditioning: 3 Rounds ofAMRAP 310 Burpees over the Bar10 Thrusters (95/65)10 Toes-to-barRest...
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