Core Blast 6:45pm! Huge Congratulations to our members Carolyn and Nathan on their marriage this past week. We wish you many years together of fun adventures, smiles, and laughs! Strength: E2MOM 16Snatch Deadlift to Knee + Panda Pull + Squat Snatch (↑) Conditioning: E4MOM 121: With a partner, alternating after each run AMRAP 100m Run...Read More
A huge shoutout and congratulations to our athletes who competed this weekend in the @throwdowncomps!Next time you guys see them Coaching core blast or working out congratulate, Coach Logan and Daine on taking 3RD place in the Comp!! Strength: E2MOM 12Clean Deadlift to Knee + Panda Pull + Squat Clean (↑) Conditioning: 4 Rounds25 Wall Balls...Read More
A huge shoutout and congratulations to our athletes who competed this weekend in the @throwdowncomps!Next time you guys see them Coaching or working out make sure to congratulate, Coaches Stacey and Mack for taking 2ND place and Coach Rachel and Brooke for taking 3RD!! Conditioning : E2MOM 10Strict Press1 – 4: 3@70 – 75%5: AMRAP @70...Read More
A huge shoutout and congratulations to our athletes who competed this weekend in the @throwdowncomps! Conditioning: “Fran”21 – 15 – 9Thrusters (95/65)Pull Ups Strength: 5 Rounds10 Hollow Rocks5 V – Ups1 Candlestick Each Side10 Each Side Kettlebell Side Bends5 Each Side Cossack Squat (Weighted if possible)1 Each Arm Turkish Get UpRead More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.