Wednesday, January 10, 2018

BCF’s FREE Nutrition Workshop leading up to our 2018 Nutrition Challenge is tonight, January 10th at 7:30pm! Block your calendar and get a kickstart on dialing in your nutrition in 2018!

Back Squat:
4×5 @ 75%, then one set of 5+ reps (max reps) @ 75%
Rest as needed
On a running clock:
At 0:00, for time:
750m Row
50 x Wall-Balls (20/14#)
at 8:00, for time:
750m Row
50 x Front Rack Lunges (95/65#), fx = 65/45#
• Record times for each set; add up times for a total time
• Attempt going unbroken for as long as possible
• First interval time cap at 7 minutes