Calling all runners! Free CrossFit for runners workout this Tuesday, July 12 at 6:30pm in partnership with Potomac River Running Store! Everyone welcome, bring friends!
Read More about the Event Here!
Strength and Skill Days:
Tuesday: Rope Climb
Wednesday: Push Jerk
Thursday: Snatch
Friday: Deadlift
Sunday: Bench Press
Referral Drawing Tonight in between the 5:30pm and 6:30pm WODs!
Rope Climb Technique:
*wear long socks
Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.
1 Rope Climb
400 m Run