Yoga with Liz at 10:00am!!!
Mobility/Skills Class with Coach Brandon at 12:20pm focusing on Kipping pull-ups

3 Super Sets:
5 Strict Pull Ups (Rx+: C2B or Weighted if possible)
5 Strict Ring Dips (Rx+: Weighted)
5 Jumping Pull Ups (2 Sec. Negative)
5 Jumping Ring Dips (2 Sec. Negative)
Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets
For Time
5 Rounds
9 Toes to Bar (Fx: 7 T2B)
9 Pull Ups (Fx: 7 Pull Ups) (Rx+: C2B)
3 Push Jerks
Every Round, Push Jerk Weight Increases, 12 Minute Time Cap
Push Jerk Weights:
Rx: 135/95, 165/115, 185/135, 205/145, 225/155
Fx: 95/65, 115/80, 135/95, 155/105, 175/125