Notice! The Power company will be shutting down the power at 8A.M and could be down for 12 hours! That being said… Dress warm and be prepared for the normal programming!
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Sign up now for a body composition DEXA scan (January 12 and March 23)! This is the most accurate body scan on the market and you only have to pay $100 for both a before and after scan or $69 for a single scan. Members and non-members are welcome to sign up.
Step 1: Sign up for a single DEXA Scan HERE.
Sign up for the before and after scans HERE.
Step 2: Click HERE to reserve your time slots. If slots fill up, you will need to add in a new 10 minute time slot after the 12:00pm scan (e.g. 12:10pm, 12:20pm, 12:30pm):
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Free Beginner CrossFit Class at 12:00PM. Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer!!

“HSPU Test Day”
Rx+: 10 min AMRAP HSPU (4″/2″ Deficit)
Rx: 10 min AMRAP HSPU
Scaled option: 10 min of HSPU development
Compare to 11/8/2018
3 Squat Cleans (205/135) (Fx: 165/110) (Rx+: 245/165)
3 Front Squats (205/135) (Fx: 165/110) (Rx+: 245/165)
75 Double Unders (Fx: 50)