Skill Class: Tonight at 6:45pm we will add a 30 minute skill class to help anyone looking to get better at kipping pull-ups.
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Starting Today we will begin a new block of programming at BCF and CF Route 7. This programming block will be one month long, ending in the beginning of May.
The goal for this block of programming will be to increase our strength endurance while maintaining the work capacity and skills that we have developed during our lead up to the Open season.
One definition for strength endurance is: “the specific form of strength displayed in activities which require a relatively long duration of muscle tension with minimal decrease in efficiency”. In more simple terms, we will be helping to develop your ability to move a moderate to heavy weight for high repetitions.
There are a few reasons why we have decided to use this as our focus for the next block of programming. Strength endurance training will help all of you build muscle and increase your strength work capacity, allowing you to lift more weight with less fatigue. These factors will contribute to much larger strength gains later in the year. Additionally, this type of training calls for sub-maximal weights and higher repetitions. This will give all of you an opportunity to refine your movements and make adjustments to your technique that will help you more safely and efficiently move heavy weights. This will not only contribute to increases in your maximal lifting capabilities but also your ability to maintain form and efficiency during metcons that involve strength movements.
Some overall themes that you will be seeing in regard to the strength endurance training will be:
– More days per week with barbell strength work
– Bodybuilding and accessory work every other week.
– More classic barbell strength (squats/deadlifts/pressing)
– Higher repetitions (5-10 rep range)
– Fewer long metcons
In addition to our strength endurance focus we will be introducing some more accessory/bodybuilding work to help build stability and movement quality. This component of our training will be focused on quality over volume or intensity. We want you to learn to move as well as possible so that when you apply speed and weight to your movement patterns your body will move more safely and efficiently. Ultimately, this means that you will be faster, stronger, and more injury resistant.
To help contribute to the goal of developing higher quality of overall movement you can expect to see:
– More accessory movements built in to warm-ups, strength work, and post-WOD
– Focus on strict gymnastics and core development
– Olympic lifts broken down by positions
With these specific goals in mind, you will notice some changes in the programming but, DON’T WORRY, the painful metcons you all love will still be there. Most of our metcons will be in the 7-15 minute time domain but, there will still be some grueling, long workouts with plenty of running, rowing, and burpees. We will also still be testing benchmarks and Hero WODs regularly.
As we look to the rest of 2019 you can expect to see us continue building on the strength work that will happen in this next block. Our next block of programming will be focused on general strength and aerobic capacity development. The hard conditioning work and CrossFit-specific skills will make a strong comeback in the months leading up to the next CrossFit Open in October.
We are very excited to roll out this new programming and see all of the improvements that our members will make!!!
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Overview Of The Week:
Monday: Back Squats
Tuesday: Strict Press
Wednesday: Deadlifts
Thursday: High Hang Snatch
Friday: Core/Strict Gymnastics
Saturday: Front Squats
Sunday: Power Cleans

Back Squat:
Rest 2-3 mins. between sets. First 45 seconds of rest, perform slow air squats.
28 Double Unders
14 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)
7 Dumbbell Goblet Squats (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)