Struggling with some gymnastics? Want to learn some more advanced techniques? Come to Coach Chelsea’s gymnastics course to learn more about how to level up your game! RSVP your spot on Zen Planner – only 15 spots!Read More
The time has finally come, BCF will be doing its next tie dye party on July 13th from 3pm-5pm We will be ordering and dying white BCF t-shirts/tanks. The cost of the event is $20/shirt. We will go over the tie dye process for those of you who have never partaken in the glorious fun...Read More
Join us on October 18th as we kick off our first ever Cornhole tournament! Teams of 2 with a $10/team buy in! (CASH ONLY) Third place will win their money back while 2nd and 1st place have the opportunity to win more! Here’s the link for cornhole rules if you’re not familiar! We’ll have multiple...Read More
If you are new to CrossFit or you want get better with your weightlifting, this 1.5 hour class is great for you to build that solid foundation for your weightlifting/technique! This class will teach you; -What are the Olympic weightlifting movements? -How to correctly perform Olympic movements. -How to break down...Read More
Each session we will be working on a certain aspect of different lifts. If you feel like your Olympic weightlifting could be smoother or you want help improving different parts of the lift, this class is for you. Join Coach Brittany every other Sunday! Please join us every Sunday for technique work and a chance...Read More
Are these movements keeping you from crushing WODS? Join us for a Skills Class every Sunday at 1:30pm to work on these movements. Reserve your spot in Zen Planner! SundaysSkill1/19Double Unders and Rope Climbs2/2Toes To Bar and Strict Handstand Push Ups (Scaling/Strength Building Drills/Technique)2/16Kipping Handstand Push Ups and Handstand Walks3/2Strict and Kipping Pull Ups3/16Kipping Chest...Read More
BCF! We have some awesome news: Your CrossFit payments could be eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement! CrossFit is medicine and can often count for tax-free spending – saving an average of 30%. We are partnering with TrueMed who will handle all the intricacies of using your HSA/FSA funds on your behalf, making the reimbursement process seamless...Read More
The weather is starting to cool down so it’s time for some warmer BCF gear! Click here for Hoodies! Conditioning: Halloween Partner WOD (costumes encouraged and one athlete working at a time): Both athletes complete a 200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (One pumpkin per team)100 Pumpkin swings*100 Pumpkin cleans (From the floor)100 Pumpkin squats*100 Pumpkin Push...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.