BCF Community,
I am excited to officially announce that Daniela Sonderegger has completed our coaching internship program over the past few months and has officially joined the BCF coaching team! We are excited to have such an enthusiastic and talented addition to our great team of coaches!
Additional announcements coming soon, stay tuned!
Physical challenges are what define me. They are what drive me out of bed in the morning.
Back in the day, I was a gymnast. I lived for the thrill and the adrenaline of confronting my fears, perfecting a movement, and simply striving to be better. After quitting gymnastics in my teenage years, I felt lost for a long time until I stumbled onto the diving team my sophomore year in college. I had never dived into a pool without terribly belly-flopping, let alone flipped off of a 3-meter springboard. But, thinking I had nothing to lose, I tried it anyway. I was instantly hooked. That feeling of achievement and sense of direction came rushing back.
Sadly, my diving career was short lived, as I graduated college early and immediately started grad school. I quickly found myself in that all too familiar place of aimlessness. While in grad school, I tried staying active by doing my own gym routine. I even hired a personal trainer to keep me accountable and keep me coming back, but that didn’t really do it for me.
I was introduced to CrossFit in March 2015 when one of my instructors at a kickboxing class I was taking invited me to try out a free class at her CrossFit box. I remember I went on a Saturday with another friend. The workout was both with newbies and the gym veterans. That didn’t intimidate me at all. In fact, it made me want to beat the veterans…or at least try to keep up with them. I signed up for the foundations class that same week and have never looked back.
As I constantly seek out challenges and ways to improve myself, coaching seemed like a logical next step. I’ve come to love the CrossFit community as a whole and consider the BCF community my home. As a coach, I want to help people achieve self-improvement in all rungs of life and hope to instill in all of our athletes that motivation and thirst for challenge that I’ve found to be so engrained in my personality.
I hold the following qualifications:
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, CF-L1
Turkish Get Ups
3 x 10 (5 each side)
3 x 20 Hollow Rocks
*superset movements
10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95, Fx:95/65
10 Box Jumps 32/26 Fx: 24/20
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups, Fx: Pull Ups
400m Farmers Walk