Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Be sure to reserve classes (we will be enforcing the class cap at the 5:30pm & 7:30pm WODs). Click on this link from your smartphone to download the app if you don’t have it yet: ballstoncrossfit.zenplanner.com
Reminder – free nutrition seminar TONIGHT at 6:30pm (there won’t be a 6:30pm WOD).  https://ballstoncrossfit.com/tuesday-may-13-630pm-nutrition-seminar/
Free Functional Movement Screens at BCF on Thurs between 6-7:30pm on Thursday, May 15 with Dr. Alcorn from The Jackson Clinics (Dr. Alcorn is a CF athlete with a L1 cert). Reserve your space here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T3mW9r_nW-baEY0RYL3jLDkov3QLj1ejcky0mW3XTHM/edit?usp=sharing
Back squat, 5×5 (A)

Back squat, 3×10 (ME)
Fitness & performance:


In Honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class, Jeff Taylor. Taylor was one of 16 troops killed when a MH-47 Chinook Helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005.

“My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today.” Erin Taylor


  • Handstand pushups
  • Ring Dips
  • Push ups

*Compare to 9/11/2013: https://www.facebook.com/ballstoncrossfit/photos/pb.294215720601971.-2207520000.1399863813./628369417186598/?type=3&theater