Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014

New schedule is in effect. The following classes have been added (all of these classes count as a class if you are on a Gold membership):

  • Sun Open gym from 12pm-1:15pm
  • Monday Barbell Club 8:30-9:30pm (note – you may only sign up for ONE weekday Barbell Club every week, no exceptions)
  • Wednesday Skills Class 8:30pm – 9:30pm. This will be a chance to work on double unders, kipping (pull-ups, HSPU, toes to bar), muscle ups, etc. We will work on 2 skills each week, which will be posted to the WOD page with the Wed WOD.

We are less than 3 weeks away from our summer BBQ and AM vs. PM Throwdown! To make sure we have enough food (free for members, $10 for friends), please click here to RSVP on Facebook by this Sunday.
Calling all competitors! If you have the ability to at least FX all WODs and RX some or most of them, sign up here if you’d like to compete in the AM vs. PM Throwdown.
Press, find heavy double
Press, 1×10 (70%); 2×5 (80%); 3×1 (90%)

Fitness & Performance

  • Deadlifts, 225/155
  • Handstand pushups

*Compare to 2/20/2014