Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
Before coming to BCF I did lots of pilates/barre/etc and felt like I had reached the ceiling with how hard those kinds of workouts could be because of how repetitive it was. A former roommate who knew I was getting bored with my workout routine (and was a member at BCF and loved it) suggested I join.
Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?
I was afraid of my own inexperience. I needed to be told a bunch that being able to do dozens of pullups was not, in fact, a prerequisite.
Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
From myself – consistency.
From BCF – knowledgeable coaches who are accommodating and can cater to everyone, regardless of your experience level.
Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
Be patient! Expecting to get a new skill or see tremendous progress overnight is unreasonable; meaningful progress takes time. And don’t cherry pick the workouts; wanting to skip the ones you don’t like is probably a signal those are the things you should work on.
Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
I started being more mindful of rest/recovery/sleeping more and started drinking less. In the past couple years I also got into long distance cycling, running, and triathlons. I ran a marathon, did my first century ride, did my first sprint triathlon, and then eventually worked up to a half ironman and full ironman this year.
Q: What benefits have you noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym?
I think the strength training/cross training through crossfit made a really big difference in terms of injury prevention for the long distance events/races I did outside the gym. Overuse injuries are super common (and had been an issue for me in the past) but with the consistent strength and mobility work through BCF, I was able to avoid that.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
The people – being around like minded members and coaches who are mentally and physically strong, disciplined, competitive, supportive, and always celebrate each other’s wins. It’s made coming to work out something I get to do rather than something I have to do.
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I always wanted to get into Crossfit after moving to NOVA post-college, so when I moved to Ballston and saw the gym was within walking distance I knew it was the perfect time to join. When I took the free intro class to check out the gym, I liked how scaling options were demo’d for each exercise, and challenged my initial belief that Crossfit was only for people who were already super fit. I signed up for Foundations before I left the gym that day because I knew Ballston Crossfit would help me in reaching my fitness goal by meeting me where I was in terms of existing fitness level, but still provide an environment where I could challenge myself as I grew more comfortable with new lifts and movements.
Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
Before joining BCF in March of 2022 I had already established a steady workout routine, but found that following along with Youtube videos in my apartment gym was getting boring and I really didn’t have any specific goals beyond just maintaining a healthy weight. When I joined BCF, my goals were to start having fun with my workouts again and to use working out not only as a means of staying in shape but also to achieve measurable improvements in my strength.
Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
The coaches! The BCF coaches always give their full attention to the athletes in class and help by stepping in with pointers or cues to help you improve. I know I can approach them both in and outside of class with any questions, and have helped my by providing specific exercises that helped me reach my personal fitness goals.
Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
Never be intimidated by workouts where you aren’t able to do a certain movement! I appreciate that every scaling option is discussed and demo’d during the workout brief, so you can choose the movement variation that you feel comfortable with and still allows you to challenge yourself.
Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
About a year ago I really focused in on my nutrition and made sure I was eating whole foods that made me feel good and gave me the energy I needed to push myself during workouts. I’ve been using one of the meal delivery services the gym recommends for my dinners and find they’re a super convenient and delicious way to hit macro goals. I also started going on hour-long walks each day and love taking that time to catch up on podcasts and get my steps in, especially on rest days. Now my go-to cure for boredom is going for a walk!
Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
My favorite thing about BCF is the instant community! The coaches and members make BCF a fun place to workout, and I love the moments when everyone’s cheering for someone trying to hit a PR, saying good job at the end of the workouts, or cheering others on.
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I started doing CrossFit in November 2020 when I was living in Atlanta, GA. Growing up I was in the track and field and soccer teams at my school but once I started college I completely stopped working out. Once I graduated, I started running short distances a couple of times a week but was not consistent with it. One day when I was running, I saw a sign of a CrossFit gym close to where I lived and decided to give it a try. After the first class I could not move for a week, but got really motivated to continue going. Last June my husband and I were planning to move to the DMV area and, when looking for places to live, my only condition was to be close to a CrossFit gym. Luckily, we moved to Ballston and my journey at BCF started. I honestly was a little nervous when I went to my first class, since I already had my community and friends in Atlanta, but everybody was so nice and welcoming at BCF that I felt at home right away.
Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I started in June 2022, and my goals were to continue getting stronger and also improving my running times. I ran my first half-marathon in February 2022 with a finishing time of 2:12. I have had a huge improvement since then, finishing my second race in 2:01 in December 2022, and my third in 1:58 in March 2023. Moving forward I want to continue improving my times and also run my first marathon later this year.
Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
Consistent attendance to classes, having the support of the coaches and the members, and the programming. I am really happy with the improvement I have had with running, and how it keeps me motivated.
Q: What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
We all have to start somewhere, keep showing up to classes and listen to your body.
Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
I started to take my sleep time and nutrition more serious, and while it’s not even close to be perfect, I feel I have made huge progress.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
The community and amazing coaches. I have met incredible people that I am happy to call my friends.
I’ve never been good with consistency. Growing up, I did a bunch of different sports: gymnastics for a few years, Tae Kwon Do after that, some soccer and softball, basketball and football through middle school, and then track in high school (the team didn’t have cuts) – but nothing really stuck.
In college, I would go through periods of running at 6am every day for weeks and then be a couch potato for months. I would buy a workout program by a popular fitness blogger/influencer, do it for a few weeks, and then stop because I was overwhelmed trying to figure out how to use all the different gym equipment. If I’m being honest, I gave up whenever things became difficult or inconvenient because I didn’t want to look like I was trying. I always thought people who were fit did it effortlessly because they enjoyed it and had more time to do work out than the average person.
I found Ballston CrossFit after graduating and starting a job in the DC area. I thought that as a real adult, it was time to start showing up for myself – and if I was going to pay a premium rate for something, I was definitely going to show up for it. It only took one class for me to know that I enjoyed CrossFit. However, I continued to struggle with consistency. My goal was to go to 3 classes a week, and I didn’t achieve that for 2 years.
At the time, it was even an accomplishment for me to be inconsistent at the same thing for so long. When I went to the gym, I thought I had to put in 100% to be perfect every single time, and I would beat myself up mentally whenever I didn’t feel like I was perfect – which is a lot when you’re learning to do something for the first time! And it’s not fun to go back to a place where you usually leave feeling like you’re not good enough.
The thing that did keep me coming back was the community. Through BCF, I met so many kind, thoughtful, funny, and hardworking people who have really helped me to be a better me. It was through conversations with my fellow gym-goers that I realized going to the gym was an opportunity to learn rather than perform.
The greatest success I’ve had in the last 3 years of doing CrossFit has been changing my mindset. I went from someone who thought they were supposed to be perfect without trying to someone who is proud of themself for trying at all. I know I can’t put in 100% every day, most days I’m rocking 60-80% and sometimes it’s only 10%. Regardless, I’m here and I’m consistent.