Success Stories


Zac Porter

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to

I found out about Ballston CrossFit while doing an online search for gyms in the area. I wanted to find a place that focused on weightlifting (I had never done it before) and saw amazing reviews!

Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?

I began at the end of August 2022, right before I was starting school, and my goal was to have an outlet that would allow me to get out of the house, meet new people, and gain more muscle.

Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?

Consistency has been the key driving force behind my achievements at BCF. Additionally, I believe that the habit of asking questions has played a vital role. While the instructors possess exceptional expertise, my fellow CrossFit classmates have also played a significant part in my progress. They have not only guided me in mastering proper movement techniques but also provided unwavering support and motivation during classes, making them an integral factor in my overall success.

Q: What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?

It’s important to prioritize learning and mastering the fundamental movements and techniques before diving into intense workouts. Take the time to understand proper form and technique for exercises. Building a solid foundation will help prevent injuries and lay
the groundwork for progress.

Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

In addition to my workouts, I made a conscious effort to prioritize my sleep schedule. Recognizing the significance of adequate rest, I understood that achieving optimal performance required a well-rested body and mind. By focusing on improving my sleep habits, I ensured that I had the energy and mental clarity needed to excel in my CrossFit journey.

Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?

The camaraderie! Throughout my journey at Ballston CrossFit, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a multitude of incredible individuals, and their presence has become the highlight of my experience. Every time I walk through those doors, I eagerly anticipate reconnecting with familiar faces. Although I can specifically vouch for the welcoming atmosphere of the noon crowd, I must say that everyone in those classes exudes supportiveness and friendliness, making each session all the more enjoyable.


Karen Cohen

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?

Growing up I’ve always been an athlete. I played soccer, tennis, and ran cross country and track in high school and at the Division I level. Once I graduated college, I lost that routine and wasn’t as active anymore. Flash forward a couple of years and I saw a friend having success at a CrossFit gym, which motivated me because I wanted to find something to challenge me again. So I googled the closest gym to me which happened to be Ballston CrossFit. I signed up for Foundations and the rest is history.


Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?

I started at BCF in August 2019. My main goal at the time was to get back into a fitness routine and improve my fitness in other ways than running. I didn’t have any specific goals, but that changed over time and as I worked out more, whether to gain a skill like my first pull up or to improve lifting technique.


Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?

Listening to the coaches and showing up to classes regularly. In the beginning, I got frustrated since I couldn’t do many of the movements as prescribed when I first joined and it took me a while to get them (it took me over a year to get my first pull up).  But as I swallowed my pride, showed up more, and listened intentionally to all the coaches’ cues, I started to gain skills, get PR’s and quickly build confidence! 


Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?

Trust the process! It can be intimidating at first and I definitely felt that when I first joined, but all workouts can be modified for what you can do and what works for you. The coaches are here to help you no matter what your fitness level is. Also, make sure to listen to your body and take rest days, it’ll help you get better and avoid injuries in the long run.


Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

I’ve focused more on eating better by working with nutritionists. They’ve helped me tremendously with how I should be eating (which was not enough at first) and other things like stress management and getting enough sleep, which had a major impact on my performance. Outside of the gym, I also have learned to not beat myself up when I’m struggling with a new skill, and realizing that I’ve just started it and will get better as I do it more.


Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?

The fact that every workout is different and challenges me. After 3.5 years of CrossFit there are still workouts that make me collapse on the floor when I’m done. I also love seeing how much progress I’ve made. It’s really cool to see a one rep max lift end up being something I can do multiple times during a workout, it goes to show how far I’ve come. All in all, I feel so lucky to be a part of an incredible gym with amazing people who motivate and push me to be a better athlete than I thought possible.

Q:What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
Coaching is incredible. I’ve been to a few gyms via moving and work travel and the coaching at BCF is the best I’ve come across.  

Mike LaCroix

Q:How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?

I’m probably one of the only people that studied themselves into CrossFit. I’ve been pretty athletic my whole life – growing up, played sports every season in high school, and football in college. Tried running some longer distances – did the Beachbody programs (P90X, Insanity), but struggled to find something that was holistic. I stumbled across Glassman’s What Is Fitness article and was sold when I realized he was the founder of CrossFit.  When I finally moved close enough to a box to make it worth it I joined right away. 

Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I technically started in June of 2021, but had persistent back injuries for a while that kept me in-and-out for probably 6 months or so. 
Between finding a solid PT and Cam’s persistence to not let me give up – seriously, major shout out to Cam! – I slowly found exercises to rehab and strengthen my back to the point I could work out consistently. From there it became a matter of consistency and sustainability – keep showing up and don’t get hurt. 
My goal from there was simple – consistent workout for a year with no injuries. 
Q:What has helped you achieve success at BCF?  
Same mantra – Keep showing up. Don’t get hurt. 
I personally needed to work a lot on my mobility. But once I swallowed any remaining pride I had about not being anywhere near one of the top athletes in the box and realized this was entirely personal – it was a lot easier to have patience with myself and just consistently show up, put in the work (mobility work that is), and listen to my body about when I could push it and when I needed to ease up. It’s so much better to ease up in any given workout and be able to show up again for the next one rather than being overly sore or hurting yourself and needing an extended break. 


Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?  

Keep showing up. Don’t get hurt. 

Q:What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
Coaching is incredible. I’ve been to a few gyms via moving and work travel and the coaching at BCF is the best I’ve come across.  

Lunara and Leandro Pessoa

Q:How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? 

When my husband was told in February 2022 that he was selected by the Brazilian Army to represent the Institution at the Inter-American Defense Board, in Washington DC, we were very happy and excited with the opportunity to live in a foreign country. This is something that we had always dreamt of. I remember one of the first things that concerned us was where we would workout. CrossFit is more than a sport for us. It is a lifestyle. While in Brazil, we started researching CrossFit gyms around some areas where we thought we might live. We Googled  and found many gyms in Maryland, DC,  and Virginia. We went to trial classes at seven different CrossFit gyms, checking the community, programming and the facility itself. I remember that Ballston CrossFit was left last because when we saw pictures on the internet and had the feeling that Ballston CrossFit was the best. We signed up for a free trial class on Saturday. When we got to the gym and entered we felt surprised because it was better than we imagined. We met Tucker, the owner, and he was so gentle and welcoming that we just fell in love. When the class started, we were introduced to the community. It was an awesome reception, everybody was so friendly that my husband and I looked at each other and said: We found it!

Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?

I started at BCF in July 2022 and my goals were to increase my performance because my prior experience at a gym in Brazil was not so good. We actually lost a lot of performance because the workout program was not very challenging for us. So at BCF we set some goals for ourselves: handstand walking, RMU, heavier olympic lifts, butterfly pull-ups, and for all the PRs. 

Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF? 

Three things helped me achieve success at BCF: Programming, coaches, and community. The workout program is hard, tough and very well designed for all levels of members. We really feel challenged every workout and it definitely increased our performance in CrossFit. We have set many PRs in our lifts and our gymnastics skills! Coaches are one of the best parts. They are very attentive and professional, always correcting our positions and demanding the best from us. This is really important to help push us to another level. The community of BCF is also amazing. Friendly, nice, and gentle people that really made us feel like home since the very first moment we walked into BCF. We’ve made really good friends at BCF and we love them.

Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit? 

Take your time, listen to the coaches and pay close attention to them. CrossFit is a very good sport to practice: It really works the whole body, but it demands patience, dedication and caution. Set some goals and work to achieve them, step by step, brick by brick. Never skip stages! Aside from building a strong body, also build a strong mind!

Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

In order to achieve our goals, we made some changes to our lifestyle that really helped us. First of all, we changed our nutrition. We looked for a nutritionist and started following a nutrition plan to lose weight and we learned how to eat healthier. This change was key in our lives and helped us gain more performance and improve our body composition!

Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit? 

Our favorite thing about BCF is the experience of making real friends and having the opportunity to share our culture, lifestyle and also to learn much more about the USA. At BCF we feel at home, we feel that we are surrounded by family. Of course the workouts are awesome, challenging, and the coaches are very professional/reliable too! The community for us is the best part. It is not easy to name one favorite thing about BCF because we just LOVE everything.


Stephanie Gonzalez

How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? 

I discovered BCF via Google search. Ballston CrossFit was voted as best CF locally and its proximity to my apartment was what initially made me reach out. I reached out to Tucker and after a 1:1 session we would gauge how much of the CF standards I was able to complete successfully.  He was patient, and was as excited that I was able to pick it right up.  He gave great direction and at one point said I was “very coachable”, which meant a lot. Meeting the coaches at my first few classes and the friendliness of the members was really the key to my desire to fully commit to BCF.

When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it? 

I started July 2022.  My initial goals were to lose weight, decrease body fat (BMI) and increase muscle mass, and to seriously improve my health overall.  I have a family history of diabetes and it is important to me to be as healthy as I can possibly be. 

What has helped you achieve success at BCF?  

The coaches are great, so helpful and knowledgeable, fun, and caring.  They notice your progress and improvements, even when you think no one does.  After one class recently, a coach said to me “Hey Steph” and made an hourglass motion with her hands and said “looking good”.  I almost cried, as I have lost 20 lbs and was so happy someone noticed.  It was a great feeling. Getting “fist bumps” on SugarWOD is pretty awesome too.

What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?  

KEEP AT IT!! DO NOT QUIT!!  Scaling part of the workout is never, ever a bad thing or something to be embarrassed about.  

Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

Changing my eating habits, tracking macros, drinking enough water, rest days, and getting enough sleep. 

What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit? 

Where do I start??  Tucker is great, his initial meeting with me was instrumental in my decision.  The coaches are wonderful, funny, engaging and do not let me “sandbag” the weights LOL!!  Knowing there are members I connect with who help keep me accountable, we share and celebrate our progress, and give encouragement to one another. 



Gregg Rockett

I have been active all my life.  I was an accomplished wrestler in grade school and high school.  Then I turned to running mid- to long-distances after college.  I have run in approximately 50 competitive races, with about a dozen of 10 miles or more (3 half marathons).  I turned to long-distance biking about 15 years ago and have competed in a few Gran Fondo races, the longest being a 75-mile climb from Vancouver to Whistler.  Recently, I have completed a few sprint triathlons, which has been a nice challenge.

But as I was approaching 60, I felt like I needed to shake things up and shock my body into being more fit.  I have never really done high-intensity training, nor extensive weightlifting, but thought that the CrossFit path would be a good change to my exercise regime. The sign on Glebe Road advertising the free Saturday WOD caught my attention, and I showed up for a session.

Before joining BCF a little more than a year ago, I did not know a burpee from a box jump from a double under.  Now that I do, it doesn’t mean I have to like them, but I am getting better at each.  My technique in weight training is also better and each month I feel my endurance and mobility are improving.  I am also going beyond just trying to complete the WODs and challenging myself to reach PRs and attempt Rx level routines.

My motivation comes from the encouragement of the coaches, as well as the enthusiasm shown by my fellow BCF members. I have some challenging goals for 2023, including completing a new weight training PR each month, attempting at least one Rx WOD every other month, and finding the technique to string together 30 double-unders uninterrupted.



Faith Breads

It’s always nice when our athletes make their fitness functional. Faith used CrossFit to help train for her marathon. Not only did she PR her marathon time by 39 minutes, she also maintained consistency in coming to CrossFit. Here’s what she had to say about the experience:

When I ran my first marathon in April of 2022, I just wanted to finish. I ended up running a 4:14 in Nashville, and though I had completed my goal of finishing, I was completely humbled by the experience. I hit the notorious “wall” at mile 20, decided to walk a quarter mile (worst mistake), and then really had to dig deep to get myself to run at all in the final few miles. After the race, I felt fueled by the breakdown. I knew I wanted to come back stronger and faster, and truly “race” the distance instead of just trying to make it to the finish line. BCF was a huge part in making that happen! 

Unlike my first marathon, I embraced CrossFit as part of my training as opposed to shying away from it. In fact, I even competed in my first competition, the Scaled Comp at CrossFit Route 7, throughout my training cycle! Continuing to train at BCF helped me build strength, speed, but also the community I needed to stay engaged and motivated. I’d constantly be asked how my training was going by coaches and my other BCF pals, and many of them offered to run with me throughout my training. Huge shoutout to Paul F. for running with me after work in D.C. and for Swoo for waking up for those early Saturday runs. In helping me training, Swoo even accomplished a neat feat of his own – running the longest distance he’s ever ran at 8 miles! It’s amazing to have a community that really wants to help you succeed in the gym and beyond.

I felt stronger and faster in every sense during my second marathon this past October in Atlantic City, racing it in 3:36. THANK YOU to everyone at BCF who supported me along the way. It truly means a lot! 



Kashif Khan

How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I was always active and an athlete growing up but needed something to push my baseline fitness to the next level post college & grad school. I pushed myself a little too hard and puked after the first intro class outside of the gym. I knew that this was going to be the best thing for me :). 

When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I started in January 2021 and didn’t know what to expect going forward. I didn’t have any goals per se but wanted to improve my overall fitness going into my late 20’s, fast forward almost 2 years later and I have seen “Tons of progress” as the coaches would say. Things to note, improvement in Olympic lifts, cardio & endurance. 
What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
Simple.  “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success” 
What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
It’s intimidating, we get it, but dive right into it, go to the workouts that you aren’t great at and try your best. Progress comes if you stay consistent, and most importantly have fun. The atmosphere is welcoming to any level of fitness. 

Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
Focused on a healthier lifestyle, eating cleaner, focused  on mental health & spiritual/religious guidance. Also, helps with grounding yourself and focusing on the “now” rather than the things you can’t control. CF has helped me improve other aspects of my life because it’s a challenge every workout; if I can give it my all. Why can’t I give “life my all”.
What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
Coaching – the immersive culture and hands on approach at BCF is unparalleled amongst the boxes that I have dropped in nationally & internationally. Programming – the blocks are always changing and cycling which helps athletes reach peak performance.