Thank you to everyone (109 responses!) for your extremely valuable feedback on our 2018 member survey! We have reviewed the feedback – click here to review our insight into the most common questions/concerns and changes we are making to our box operations.
Your feedback helps us improve the box in our constant pursuit of excellence – we hope you are excited about the changes we have started to implement immediately (and will continue to see over the next few weeks)!
Bench Press
5 x 10 (Across @ 65-75% of 1RM)
Superset with 8-10 Ring Rows
5 Rounds
5 Manmakers (across)
10-15 GHD Sit ups (Fx V-Ups)
Rest as needed, Quality, not for time
Man maker: Push Up + Renegade Row L/R + Pop to Power Clean + Thruster