Proud of the great team we have at Ballston CrossFit – We are so honored to receive recognition as one of the top 5 CrossFit boxes in the DC area (there are over 100 CF boxes in the DC metro area)!! See the link below: If all of you could do us a huge favor and...Read More
FYI – we will be doing the CrossFit Total on Thursday, so plan your rest day accordingly. =================================================================== Fitness & performance: “Cindy:” AMRAP 20: 5 pull ups 10 pushups 15 squats *Compare to 6/17/2014 Finisher: goat work (work on your skills that need improvement: rope climbs, kipping HSPU, handstand holds/walks, double unders, muscle up...Read More
Yoga with Sima at 10am. Barbell Club and open gym at noon. ================================================================= Technique: Turkish Get-ups Fitness & perfomance: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Deadlifts (Fx: 225/155 Rx: 275/185) *At the end of each round, do a 10x10m shuttle sprint. **Athlete must bend down and touch the floor each time.Fitness & perfomance: Finisher: absRead More
Free class at noon – come WOD with your friends! ============================================================================== Fitness: Back squat, 5×5 (A) Performance: Back squat, find a heavy triple Fitness: 5 Rounds: 10 thrusters 95/65 10 push ups 200m run 5 Rounds: 10 thrusters 135/95 10 ring dips 200m runRead More
Spend your happy hour with Spark Yoga on Friday, September 26th @ 6 PM. Detox and strengthen with our Warm Vinyasa class: a vigorous flow that calms the mind, works the muscles, and burns calories. This class is complimentary to all BCF members. Please register by September 23rd and remember to BYOM! Bring Your Gear: Yoga Mat...Read More
NOTE – skills class is cancelled tonight (come attend the 8:30pm WOD)! Spend your happy hour with Spark Yoga on Friday, September 26th @ 6 PM. Detox and strengthen with our Warm Vinyasa class: a vigorous flow that calms the mind, works the muscles, and burns calories. This class is complimentary to all BCF members. Please register...Read More
Spend your happy hour with Spark Yoga on Friday, September 26th @ 6 PM. Detox and strengthen with our Warm Vinyasa class: a vigorous flow that calms the mind, works the muscles, and burns calories. This class is complimentary to all BCF members. Please register by September 23rd and remember to BYOM! Bring Your Gear: Yoga Mat...Read More
Free Functional Movement Screens at BCF on Wed, September 17 starting at 7:30pm with Dr. Alcorn from The Jackson Clinics (Dr. Alcorn is a CF athlete with a L1 cert). Reserve your space here (we added 2 more slots): 3rd Annual BCF vx. CFSA Throwdown!! Our top athletes will be competing against the top...Read More
Yoga at 10am with Sima. Free for members and $10 for friends! Barbell Club and open gym at 12pm. ==================================================================== Fitness: 1) Power clean; front squat; split jerk, 7×1.2.1 (A) *Pause at the low hang for 3 seconds on power clean. 2) Snatch balance, 10×1 (A) Performance: 1) Clean; front squat; split jerk, 7×1.2.1 (65-75%) *Pause...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.