Fitness: Rope climb technique (REMEMBER TALL SOCKS OR SWEATPANTS) Performance: 15 rope climbs for time (REMEMBER TALL SOCKS OR SWEATPANTS) Fitness & performance: In teams of two, AMRAP 20: 10 handstand pushups 20 goblet squats, 24/16 30 step-ups w 24/16kg KB, 24/20 *Only one partner working at a time.Read More
Private Sales Exclusively for Ballston CrossFit Members Not sure what to get your honey for the holidays? Even better, not sure what to buy for yourself? Reebok FitHub Georgetown is offering a holiday discount of 25% off all Nanos and Lifters next Monday night, December 8th during the night classes. Why fight Georgetown traffic when...Read More
Reminder – NO YOGA today! All other classes follow a normal Sunday schedule. ======================= We’re excited to announce the 2015 Ballston CrossFit Nutrition Challenge is January 11-February 7, 2015! If you’re looking to get the BEST results you can from what you do in the box, perform better, look great and feel amazing, NUTRITION is your...Read More
Free class at noon – bring your friends! ==== REMINDER – Sunday midnight is the last chance to sign up for the Nutrition Challenge before the price increases to $55. Details below, you don’t want to miss out kick starting 2015 with clean eating! We’re excited to announce the 2015 Ballston CrossFit Nutrition Challenge is January...Read More
Thanksgiving Week Schedule Below. Please make sure to reserve classes. Please and Thank You!!! Friday: 10am (NOTE – 11am WOD has been CANCELLED b/c very few have registered for Friday AM WODs), Open gym from 11am-1pm. Saturday: 10am, 11am Sunday: Regular WOD Schedule (but yoga is cancelled) ================================================================== Fitness & performance: 4 sets of max rep ring...Read More
Happy Thanksgiving week BCF! I am thankful of many things, and have received many blessings in my life. One of the things I’m very thankful for is all of the awesome members we have at BCF! It really is fun to coach such great people (and even more fun to watch everyone improve their fitness)!...Read More
We are very proud to officially announce that the Ballston CrossFit family is expanding and opening a second box! We just signed a 10 year lease and CrossFit Route 7 (CFR7) will be opening in mid January 2015!! This incredible CrossFit facility will be located one block from the Spring Hill Metro Station off the Silver Line in Tysons...Read More
Thanksgiving Week Schedule Below. Please make sure to reserve classes. Please and Thank You!!! Monday & Tuesday: Regular Schedule Wednesday: 5:30am, 6:30am, 9:30am (this will only be held if at LEAST 5 people register), 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm Barbell Club Thursday: 9am WOD Friday: 10am and 11am WOD Saturday: 10am, 11am Sunday: Regular WOD Schedule (but yoga is...Read More
Thanksgiving Week Schedule Below. Please make sure to reserve classes. Please and Thank You!!! Monday & Tuesday: Regular Schedule Wednesday: 5:30am, 6:30am, 9:30am (this will only be held if at LEAST 5 people register), 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm Barbell Club Thursday: 9am WOD Friday: 10am and 11am WOD Saturday: 10am, 11am Sunday: Regular Schedule ================================================================================================= Fitness: Overhead squat,...Read More
NOTE – NO YOGA TODAY!! Sorry for the last minute notice – Sima just informed me she could not make it. ======================================================================= We’re excited to announce the 2015 Ballston CrossFit Nutrition Challenge is January 11-February 7, 2015! If you’re looking to get the BEST results you can from what you do in the box, perform better,...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.