Enjoy your Labor Day!! 10am & 11am WOD with Bryan, 5:30pm WOD with Rich and 6:30pm yoga with Jenna. Competitors! 11am Competition Team WOD at CFR7! Details of the competition team program are listed here (email [email protected] if you’d like to join the competition team FB group): https://ballstoncrossfit.com/competitors/ ===================================== 21-18-15-12-9-6-3: Box Jumps (24/20″) GTO w/Plate (45/25 Rx, 25/15...Read More
Sunday: 11:15am WOD – Travis Monday: 10am & 11am WOD with Bryan, 5:30pm WOD with Rich and 6:30pm yoga with Jenna =================================================== Front Squat: 5 x 5 RX: ME FX: A Tabata Mash up: HSPU Ball Slams Pistols T2BRead More
Labor Day schedule (please RESERVE classes by Friday and we’ll add more if necessary): Saturday: 10am & 11am WOD and noon open gym & free class – Bryan Sunday: 11:15am WOD – Travis Monday: 10am WOD with Bryan, 5:30pm WOD with Rich and 6:30pm yoga with Jenna =================================================== Hang Snatch (full): 5 x 2 RX:...Read More
Labor Day schedule (please RESERVE classes by Friday and we’ll add more if necessary): Friday: regular schedule Saturday: 10am & 11am WOD and noon open gym & free class – Bryan Sunday: 11:15am WOD – Travis Monday: 10am WOD with Bryan, 5:30pm WOD with Rich and 6:30pm yoga with Jenna =================================================== Buiding DT: E3MOM 15...Read More
Boot camp at 6:30pm tonight – come get a cardiovascular burn! ============ Labor Day schedule (please RESERVE classes by Friday and we’ll add more if necessary): Friday: regular schedule Saturday: 10am & 11am WOD and noon open gym & free class – Bryan Sunday: 11:15am WOD – Travis Monday: 10am WOD with Bryan, 5:30pm WOD...Read More
Labor Day schedule (please RESERVE classes by Friday and we’ll add more if necessary): Friday: regular schedule Saturday: 10am & 11am WOD and noon open gym & free class – Bryan Sunday: 11:15am WOD – Travis Monday: 10am WOD with Bryan, 5:30pm WOD with Rich and 6:30pm yoga with Jenna =================================================== Team Wod: “The Rope”...Read More
Get ready to max out for CrossFit Total and establish new 1 rep maxes! Next stop, PR City located in central Gainsville. =============================================================== Crossfit Total: Find 1RM Back Squat Strict Press Deadlift Compare: 4/11/2015 Philippians 4:13: I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous....Read More
Congrats to all of the athletes that competed in the AM vs. PM Throwdown this weekend! It was such a fun event and athletes displayed some incredible performances!! ============= Sad news for our coaching team. One of our favorite (and most fun) coaches is heading north for a new job. Coach Brandon just got a...Read More
Yoga with Nina at 10am – free for members and $10 for friends! Reminder – we also have outdoor yoga with Jenna Monday evening at 6:30pm while the weather is nice! ======================================= Weighted Pull Up 5 x 2 AHAP For Time: 400 M Run 3 rounds of 10 Power Snatches Rx: 95/65 Fx: 75/55...Read More
TODAY IS THE DAY!! The AM vs. PM Throwdown starts precisely at 4pm (athletes need to arrive by 3:30pm at latest) at BALLSTON CROSSFIT. We have several awesome WODs planned, come cheer on your friends! Feel free to bring beers and friends to cheer on the competitors!! The starting around 6:30 or 7pm we will be...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.