Fourth of July Weekend Schedule: Saturday: 10am WOD, 11am-1pm Open Gym Sunday: 11:15 am WOD, 12:15pm Open Gym Monday: 10am Holiday WOD =========================================== Bench Press: 20 Minutes to Find 1Rm AMRAP 10: 1 mile run ME Clusters 115/80 FX: AMRAP13/ 95/65Read More
Remember to purchase your ticket for our BCF & CFR7 Nats Game, Saturday, July 16! Either bring in $23 cash or Paypayl [email protected]. ================================================ Tomorrow: Olympic Total Friday: Fight Gone Bad Saturday: 1RM Bench Press ================================================ Handstand Walk Technique: *HS Hold wall/partner *Kiss the Wall to HS Hold *HS Shoulder Taps (Same side) HS Walk...Read More
Testing Week Guys! Make sure that you are making good choices to promote recovery and performance. Today: CF Total Friday: Fight Gone Bad Saturday: Bench Press *Olympic Total: TBD ====================================================== CrossFit Total 1 RM *Back Squat *Strict Press *Deadlift compare: 3/31/2016Read More
Juice Plus tasting tonight from 6:00-8:00pm! Try out Juice Plus’ gummies, proteins, and bars and learn more about Juice Plus’ aim to promote whole nutrition. You can learn more here. ======================================================== Testing Week! This Tuesday we will retest our CrossFit Total, Friday we have Fight Gone Bad, and Saturday we test a 1RM Bench Press so be...Read More
Yoga today at 10:00am with Lauren! Free for members, just $10 for friends! ========================================================================= Tomorrow night: Join BCF member Brandon and his business partner Christin Monday, June 27, from 6:00-8:00 pm for a tasting of Juice Plus products! If you enjoy what you try, you will also have the opportunity to purchase a variety of gummies,...Read More
Free Class today at 12:00pm! Invite your friends and join them for a free, fun workout. ======================================================================= Join BCF member Brandon and his business partner Christin Monday, June 27, from 6:00-8:00 pm for a tasting of Juice Plus products! If you enjoy what you try, you will also have the opportunity to purchase a variety of...Read More
Our first Olympic Weightlifting Mini Camp Session begins tomorrow! SIGN UP NOW! Black & Red Barbell Club’s coach and competitive athlete John Bova will be hosting two weightlifting “mini camps” at Ballston CrossFit intended to increase speed and efficiency in the snatch and clean & jerk. Each “mini camp” will be comprised of two 2-hour...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.