The AM vs. PM Throwdown and summer BBQ goes down on Saturday (competition runs from 4:30-6:30 followed by BBQ). Our teams have been finalized, and will be represented by the following athletes. Coach John will be leading Team We Do it at Dawn and Coach Adam will be leading the PM team. From the looks...Read More
Fitness: Deadlift, find heavy double (if your technique is good, find the heavy double. If still learning good technique, 5×5) AMRAP 12: 4 hang power cleans, 115/80 8 burpees *At the top of every minute, complete 12 air squats. Performance: Deadlift, 2×5 (85%); 2×3 (90%); 2×1 (95%) AMRAP 12: 4 hang power cleans, 155/105 8...Read More
Yoga at 10am with sub Jenna from Spark yoga (she’s awesome!). In addition to regular WODs, Barbell Club at 12pm and open gym at 12pm. ============================================================= Fitness: Overhead squat, 5×5 (A) Performance: Overhead squat, find a heavy triple Fitness & performance: AMRAP 8: 20 Double-Unders 1 Power Snatch, Fx: 95/65; Rx: 115/80 20 Double-Unders...Read More
Free class at noon – bring your friends! Barbell Club w Coach John at noon (be sure to reserve). If you missed strength or metcon this week – come make it up during free class at 1pm (this counts as one of your classes if you are on Gold membership). =========================================================== Fitness & performance: For...Read More
Fitness: Deadlift, 5×3 (A) Performance: Deadlift, 10×3 (80%) *Rest no more than 90 seconds between sets. Fitness & performance: “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10: Double unders Sit-ups *Compare times to 6/5/2014Read More
Ladies – I recommend wearing a t-shirt versus a tank top for the dumbell push press today (dumbbells directly on skin = shoulder abrasions) ======================================================================= Skill: Kettlebell snatches Fitness & performance: With a partner, 4 rounds of 1 minute stations (one partner working at a time): Max rep renegade rows, 25/15 Max rep handstand pushups...Read More
Skills class at 8:30pm (be sure to reserve, it was nearly filled up), these are the skills this week: kipping HSPU (you’ll need this skill for the WOD on Thurs!) kipping toes to bar ================================================================ “Barbara” 5 rounds: 20 pull-ups 30 push-ups 40 sit-ups 50 air squats *Rest exactly three minute between rounds (recorded times includes...Read More
Last call to RSVP for the 2014 AM vs. PM Throwdown and BBQ!! Like last year, we are catering this event (thanks Adam G!) – please let us know if you’re coming so we can have enough food (free for members and $10 for guests who are eating)! Also, I’m disappointed with how many...Read More
Reminder: mobility seminar with Dr. Kempe on Monday from 6:15-6:45pm. Free for all athletes (we will be focusing on ankle mobility). The 5:30pm WOD will start at 5:25pm and end by 6:15pm (be sure show up 5 min earlier than usual and remember to reserve classes – click this link from your smartphone to create the...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.