Regular schedule Monday and Tuesday (except we have cancelled the 8:30pm WOD Mon & Tues). Tucker and Jake will be hosting a meeting at 9:30pm to discuss the 2015 B&R Barbell Olympic weightlifting program at BCF and CFR7. Feel free to join if interested and we’ll be posting more info later this week. Holiday schedule for Wednesday...Read More
Yoga is cancelled today (we plan to start back up again next week!). We have a WOD at 11am with Coach Adam (be sure to reserve!). =================================================== Fitness: Deadlift, 5×5 (A) Performance: Deadlift, 3×10 (ME) Fitness: 5 rounds: 15 KB goblet squats (24/16) 15 sit-ups 15 overhead walking lunges (25/15) * immediate 3 burpee...Read More
WODs at 10&11am and open gym at noon. ================================== Fitness: Clean & jerk technique, then 10×1 (A) Performance: Clean + 2 jerks, find heavy single of complex Fitness & performance: AMRAP 12: 2 clean complex*, 75% of weight used in strength 4 box jumps, Fx: 24/20; Rx: 32/26 8 kettlebell swings, Fx: 24/16; Rx:...Read More
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Matthew 1: 21-23: She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call...Read More
Christmas and NYE schedule over the next 2 weeks. Please RESERVE classes and if they fill up 48 hours in advance, I’ll add another. If you wait until the last minute and classes fill up, I won’t be able to add a class. So RESERVE CLASSES! Click on link from smart phone to create the...Read More
Christmas and NYE schedule over the next 2 weeks. Please RESERVE classes and if they fill up 48 hours in advance, I’ll add another. If you wait until the last minute and classes fill up, I won’t be able to add a class. So RESERVE CLASSES! Click on link from smart phone to create the...Read More
Christmas and NYE schedule over the next 2 weeks. Please RESERVE classes and if they fill up 48 hours in advance, I’ll add another. If you wait until the last minute and classes fill up, I won’t be able to add a class. So RESERVE CLASSES! Click on link from smart phone to create the...Read More
Yoga is cancelled today. Sorry for the inconvenience. We are still searching for an instructor. ========================================================= Fitness & performance: Weighted Walking Lunge (back rack) 4×12 (6ea leg) SUPERSET with Barbell Roll-Out (ab wheel) 4×8 Rest 2min between supersets Fitness & performance: AMRAP 10: 5 Deadlifts (Fx: 225/155; Rx: 275/185) 10 Ring rows 20 Double undersRead More
Fitness: High-hang clean, 7×3 (A) Performance: High-hang clean, find a heavy triple Fitness: 3 rounds for time of: 15 hang power cleans, 95/65 15 handstand pushups Performance: 3 rounds for time of: 15 hang power cleans, 135/95 15 handstand pushupsRead More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.