Christmas and NYE schedule over the next 2 weeks. Please RESERVE classes and if they fill up 48 hours in advance, I’ll add another. If you wait until the last minute and classes fill up, I won’t be able to add a class. So RESERVE CLASSES! Click on link from smart phone to create the app:
Tues – regular schedule but 8:30pm WOD is cancelled
Wed – 5:30 & 6:30am WOD and Wed noon WOD
Thurs – Merry Christmas – we’re closed!
Fri – 10am WOD (I’ll add one at 11am if the 10am fills up)
Sat – 10am & 11am WOD, 12pm Open Gym
Sun – 11am WOD
NYE week:
Mon 29th – full schedule but no 8:30pm WOD
Tues 30th – full schedule but no 8:30pm WOD
Wed 31st – 5:30am, 6:30am & noon WOD
Thurs 1st – 12pm & 4:30pm WOD (reserve in advance if you want me to add another)
Full schedule on Friday and moving forward.
Bench press, 5×5 (A)
Bench press, 3×10 (ME)
Fitness & performance:
Tabata intervals of:
Wallball shots, 20/14
Weighted sit-ups, 25/15
KB swings, Fx: 24/16, Rx: 32/24
KB goblet squats, Fx: 24/16, Rx: 32/24