Yoga at 10am with Jenn – come check out her class!! Free for BCF and CFR7 members and $10 for your friends! ================================================ Fitness: Back squats, 5×5 (A) *Add 5-10 pounds from last week. Performance: Back squats, 1×20; 1×15; 1×10 Fitness & performance: 4 Rounds (one minute of work and 20 seconds of rest),...Read More
Free class at noon, bring your friends to WOD with you! ======================================================= Fitness: Hang power snatch, 7×2 (A) Performance: Power snatch, find a heavy double Fitness: AMRAP 12: 3 power snatches, 70% of weight used in strength 9 kettlebell swings, 24/16 *Every time you put your kettlebell down without going unbroken through the set,...Read More
REMINDER – 9:30am WOD on Friday has been cancelled due to light attendance. Shoulder mobility to open up for kipping: and Ankle mobility for OHS: KB ankle mobility for dorsiflection and roller =============================================================== Kipping pull-up technique or: 30 pull ups for time* *Rest 60 seconds, repeat two more times. Fitness: 7 rounds: 7 Overhead...Read More
Fitness: Deadlift, 5×5 (A) Performance: Deadlift, 2×5 (80%); 2×3 (85%); 2×1 (90%) Fitness & performance: “JT” In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan in summer of 2005. “My husband was a warrior and a man...Read More
Skills class tonight with Jake (make sure you reserve). Skills covered are GHD sit-ups, hip extensions and double unders. =============================================================== Fitness: Hang power clean to split jerk, 7×1.2 (A) Performance: Hang (low) power clean to split jerk, find heavy single Fitness & performance: EMOTM 10: 3 power cleans, 80% of weight used in strength...Read More
NOTE – noon WOD will be cancelled tomorrow due to security measures in place for this event. Fitness: Front squats, 5×5 (A) *Add 5-10 pounds from last week. Performance: Front squats, 7×2 (80-85%) Fitness & performance: 50-30-10: Wallball shots, 20/14 Box jumps, 24/20 *Every minute on the minute, complete 4 burpees.Read More
In honor of the official CrossFit Route 7 opening today, we’ll be doing the same WOD that we did when BCF opened on Feb 13, 2012!! When we opened, the best Fran times were around 5 min, we now have several athletes with a sub 3 min Fran time. Bring the heat today!! Be sure...Read More
Yoga at 10am with Julia (dress warm – might be cool in the box with this cold weather)! Free for members and $10 for drop-ins. Great way to get loose for the snatches and overhead squats! Be sure to reserve class, 11am is nearly full, but plenty of room at 5:30pm WOD. ============================================================ Fitness: 1)...Read More
2015 B&R BARBELL CLUB: Our olympic weightlifting program (B&R Barbell Club) has grown significantly in the last 2 years. Now, and in partnership with CrossFit Route 7, we have some changes to the program. Pricing, schedule and details are listed here: Note – For the next few weeks, we have some additional discounts (20-30% off B&R...Read More
2015 B&R BARBELL CLUB: Our olympic weightlifting program (B&R Barbell Club) has grown significantly in the last 2 years. Now, and in partnership with CrossFit Route 7, we have some changes to the program. Pricing, schedule and details are listed here: Note – For the next few weeks, we have some additional discounts (20-30% off B&R...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.