
  10 minute EMOM of: Even: 1 Squat Clean + 9 Front (Rx 135/95) (Fx 115/80) Odd: 15-20 Toes 2 bar (you might want to tape your hands for this) 5 minutes Rest. AMRAP 10 of: 1 Hang Clean* (Rx 115/85)(Fx 95/65) 1 Burpee 1 Thruster (115/85)(Fx 95/65) 2 Hang Cleans 2 Burpees 2 Thruster...
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Due to likely inclement weather, yoga with Jenna is cancelled tonight. Dr. Bill Kempe from Airrosti will be hosting a shoulder mobility seminar on September 21st at Ballston CrossFit, respectively. The course will be held from 6:15 – 6:45. During this 30 minute seminar you will learn how to improve flexibility in the thoracic spine...
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Yoga with Nina at 10am – free for members and $10 for friends! ============================================ Technique: rope climbing EMOM 5: 3 rope climbs – BRING TALL SOCKS OR SWEAT PANTS (or $10 to buy some tall BCF socks) For Time: 50 KB Swings (32/24 Rx) (24/16 Fx) 40 Burpee Pullups 30 Front Squats (135/95 Rx) (115/75...
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Free class at noon – bring your friends for a fun WOD designed for people to try out CrossFit! ============================================== Partner WOD from the AM/PM Throwdown Buy in: 50 wall balls (both athletes work at the same time) 21-15-9 (one athlete working at a time) Deadlifts (255/165) Burpees over your partner (partner holds hand plank)...
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Per your requests, Bootcamp with Coach Rich has now been moved to the following schedule (it will be a different workout each class). Be sure to attend classes if you want us to keep them! Wednesday 6:30pm Friday 5:30pm ==================== Come out to Ballston Crossfit tonight at 6:30pm to get in some *Reps for Vets*!! No experience required,...
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Come out to Ballston Crossfit on Friday September 18th at 6:30pm to get in some *Reps for Vets*!! No experience required, bring friends, family and supporters!  WOD starts at 7pm.  Rachel Engler, BCF member, is one of 25 finalists competing to represent female Veterans as Ms. Veteran America 2015.  The Ms. Veteran America competition highlights more than the strength,...
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Per your requests, Bootcamp with Coach Rich has now been moved to the following schedule (it will be a different workout each class). Be sure to attend classes if you want us to keep them! Wednesday 6:30pm Friday 5:30pm ==================================================== Power Clean 5×5 (A @ 75%) Touch and go set of 5 AMRAP 10: 10...
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Per your requests, Bootcamp with Coach Rich has now been moved to the following schedule (it will be a different workout each class). Be sure to attend classes if you want us to keep them! Wednesday 6:30pm Friday 5:30pm ==================================================== “Brutus” 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Hang Power Snatches Overhead Squats Ring Dips – 800 meter run – 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1:...
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Chiropractors from Arlington Pain and Rehab will be at BCF tonight from 6-7pm. First come, first served basis for basic treatment and information. If you have any minor tweaks or soft tissue issues, drop by to see them! ============ Yoga with Jenna at 6:30pm on the tennis court! ============ Come out to Ballston Crossfit on Friday September 18th...
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We do NOT have yoga today – Nina’s out on vacation and we couldn’t find a sub 🙁  See you next week! =============================== Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit-ups (Compare to 5/3/15)   Back Squat 1×20 (ME) Warmup sets up to 5 and 10 reps, and one attempt at the 1×20. Record how far you got...
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