This 6 week weightlifting seminar will cover in depth technique practice and instruction for the snatch, clean, and split jerk. Each class will be on Saturday from 1:15 – 2:15pm. The first two session (Jan 9 and 16) and will cover the snatch, the next 2 (Jan 23 and 30) will cover the clean and the final two (Feb 6 and 13) will cover the Split jerk and the Clean and Jerk. The first session will be solely focused on technique refinement and drills to address specific faults. The second session will be a coach-led 1RM test of the lift covered in the previous session.
You will have the option to sign up for each movement individually or as a complete 6 week course.
Full 6 Weeks
[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#F01616″ size=”medium” src=”″]REGISTER $165[/button]
[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#F01616″ size=”medium” src=”″]REGISTER $60[/button]
[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#F01616″ size=”medium” src=”″]REGISTER $60[/button]
Split Jerk
[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#F01616″ size=”medium” src=””]REGISTER $60[/button]