Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Warm weather is not the only thing to look forward to this spring… We are excited to announce that on Saturday, April 23, 2016, CrossFit Route 7 will host the inaugural Route 7 Rumble, an individual and team CrossFit competition!
REGISTER now to reserve your spot and mark the date on your calendar!
Partner WOD
For Time
60 Calorie Row
80 WBS 20/14 FX:14/10
100 Double Unders Each (FX:300 singles)
120m walking Lunges
100 Double Unders Each (FX:300 singles)
80 WBS 20/14 FX:14/10
60 Calorie Row
*1 athlete works at a time (RX DU’s)
*FX can do Single Unders together

Finisher EMOM 10
2 Deadlifts @ 75-85%