Wow – I can’t believe it but today marks our 7-year anniversary of the official opening of the gym! It’s true what they say, time really flies when you’re having fun!!
I will never forget the day I sat down and signed a 10-year lease for the BCF 1.0 space (before we expanded to add the platform area). To be honest, I was really excited but also really terrified – my hand was trembling as I signed the lease and took the biggest risk of my life! I was leaving the safety of corporate America (which, of course, included a steady paycheck) and taking the plunge to do something I love!
One thing I strongly believed: failure was just not an option. I was well aware that the odds were against me, considering the small business failure rate. But I’m a pretty industrious person and if revenue was soft I knew I could work 80-100 hours a week to improve the situation. In addition, I knew we’d encounter endless problems and challenges but was confident that we’d learn from the school of hard knocks and adapt and improve as we overcame these countless challenges (which after 7 years still come flying at us from all angles!).
The other thing I was sure about was that in addition to working hard, I would surround myself with a team of coaches (and eventually managers starting in the 4th year) who were dedicated to their pursuit of excellence. I strongly believe that if you work hard and do your best, you will succeed. I’m honored to be surrounded by 2 managers (the best we’ve ever had) and 9 coaches who are truly the best in the business (along with countless other employees that supported BCF over the years)! I regularly have members tell us that our newest coaches are as good as the best coaches at other boxes.
As we hit our 7-year mark, not only do we have a great coaching team, we also have the best community! We are surrounded by members who are inspiring, motivating, driven, friendly and welcoming, and who constantly push each other to be the best version of themselves! What an honor to be surrounded by such a community! It has been really fun to see our members connect in special and unique ways. 10 couples have met and gotten married, countless friends and best friends have developed at the box, and we have a great core group of members who have spent 5, 6 and even 7 years improving their fitness at BCF! Amazing and inspiring!

Lastly, I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you to our members for your support of BCF! Thank you to my awesome team of coaches! Thank you to the good Lord above who has showered us with many blessings!
Looking forward to the future and many more years of success!

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Valentines Day Eve Partner WOD
In teams of one guy and one girl, for time
Row 1000m
50 overhead walking KB lunges (24/16)
50 kettlebell swings (24/16)
50 kettlebell cleans (24/16)
50 kettlebell push press (24/16)
50 pushups
50 squat cleans (95/65)
50 box jumps (24/20)
50 sit-ups
50 burpees
Row 1000m
(RX+: 32/24 and 115/80)
Only one partner working at a time.
Compare to 2/14/17, 2/14/2016 and 2/14/2015
Note: Teams must share the same barbell for squat cleans and adjust the weight each time they switch.