Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Core Blast with Shauna at 6:45pm!!!

3 Sets:
Dumbbell Row x 10 each arm
Single-Arm Standing Inverted Kettlebell Press x 10 each arm

On a running clock:
7:00 – AMRAP
Buy-In: 400m Run
10 Power Cleans (95/65) (Fx= 75/55) (Rx+ = 175/115#)
10 Handstand Push-Ups (Fx = Push-ups)
Rest 3:00, until the clock reaches 10:00 and then…
7:00 – AMRAP
Buy-In: 400m Run
8 Power Cleans (115/85) (Fx= 85/60) (Rx+ = 185/125#)
8 Handstand Push-Ups (Fx = Push-ups)
Rest 3:00, until the clock reaches 20:00 and then…
7:00 – AMRAP
Buy-In: 400m Run
6 Power Cleans (135/95) (Fx= 95/65) (Rx+ = 205/135#)
6 Handstand Push-Ups (Fx = Push-ups)