Core Blast at 6:45pm with Shauna!
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Having pain/tightness?!? Chiropractors from Arlington Pain and Rehab will be offering free chiropractic treatment on the dates listed below from 5-6:30pm. First come, first served basis for basic treatment and information. Don’t miss the opportunity for some professional help with your self-care.

E3MOM 18
5 Power Clean and Push Jerks
Set 1: 50%
Set 2: 60%
Set 3: 60%
Set 4: 65%
Set 5: 65%
Set 6: 70%
Does not need to be touch and go. Percentage based on clean and jerk 1RM
Tabata Fran
Alternating movements for 2 cycles (8:00)
Thrusters (95/65)
Score is total reps