Yoga with Liz at 10:00am!!!
Mobility/Skills Class with Coach Brandon at 12:20pm we will focus on Ring Muscle ups!
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Open Gym at 1PM we will be running two additional heats for 19.2 just in case you missed on Friday!
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4PM – FREE Faith and Fitness Workout & Discussion
Come join us for a fun FREE Boot Camp workout followed by a casual discussion about faith. People of all fitness levels (CrossFit experience is not required) and all faiths (including no faith) are welcome! Bring along a friend (or 2)! After, we’ll grab a burger and beer at Big Buns if interested in hanging out for post-workout fun!

15:00 Find a Heavy 5 rep Thruster
then AMRAP 3
Max Thrusters at 60%
5 Deadlifts (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)
5 Hang Power Cleans (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)
5 Push Jerks (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)
10 Burpees