Welcome to the future!! Tomorrow morning (Sunday 3/22) we will be hosting our first virtual class at BCF. Yoga with Kristen will be at it’s regularly schedule time, 10:00AM. We will be using the meeting app Zoom to make this happen. To join the class you will need to download the Zoom app to your phone or computer and then follow this link: https://zoom.us/j/323840182?pwd=UDQvZThqTjVxRzM4b3ZGYTJkQ01KUT09.
This is our first attempt at getting virtual classes going during the shutdown so PLEASE be patient. We apologize in advance for the technical difficulties that we are bound to encounter.

1: 10 Burpees
2: 25ft Handstand Walk (Fx: 25ft Bear Crawl)
4 Rounds
400m Run
40 Sit Ups
400m Row or 50ft. of Broad Jumps
If you do not have a 400m run route, run for 1:00 and then turn around and run back to where you started.