Sunday, February 6, 2022

Faith and Fitness Free WOD and discussion @ 3:30PM

Reminder – Skills class 1:30pm (Ring Muscle Ups)

CANCELLED classes today (for Faith & Fitness):

4:30pm WOD, Open Gym 3-5:30pm


Every :30 for 4 Rounds
1: High Plank
2: 10 Push Ups (Fx: 5)
3: 3 Supinated Grip Strict Pull Ups (Fx: Supinated Ring Rows)
4: 3 Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: Chest to Bar Pull Ups)
5: Rest
6: Rest


14 Hang Power Cleans (165/115) (Fx: 135/95) (Rx+: 185/125)
21 Back Squats (165/115) (Fx: 135/95) (Rx+: 185/125)
84 Double Unders (Fx: 63)