Success Stories

Top-Rated CrossFit Gym In The DMV

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?

I was looking for a CrossFit gym when I moved to Virginia and I decided to try the BCF foundations class. The coaches were very friendly, patient, and knowledgeable. I then decided to join this gym without trying the other ones on my list. 

Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?
I already knew I wanted to join a CrossFit gym when I moved to Virginia, I was just trying to find the right one!

Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?

I started around November 2020. Initially, I just wanted to find a gym to work out, but then started setting some goals to improve my gymnastics and other movements.

Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?

I think the people; between the coaches and the people I have met at the gym. They all motivate me to keep coming every week and the consistency has improved my overall fitness. 

Q: What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?

Just continue to come and you will see results. Don’t compare yourself to other athletes, each person’s journey is different.

Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

I am more conscious about what I eat. I have joined the nutrition challenge at BCF twice and it has helped me make better choices regarding the types of food and quantities I eat. 

Q: What benefits have you noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym?

I definitely feel stronger. I track how much I lift and have seen improvements since I joined this gym. I also improved my scores each time I have taken my military Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT).

Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?

I like the variety of times for classes to chose from and that there are other classes like yoga, endurance, gymnastics, core, weightlifting, and a class to prep for the open. Also, there are movie nights, holiday dinners and other events.
I have tried all these classes and they are all great, I feel like there is no excuse to not come work out.

Q: What has been your favorite memory related to CrossFit?

During the last open, I was able to do all the workouts Rx and was able to do my first chest to bar! 🙂

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?

I moved to Ballston and got a dog a couple of years ago, and I noticed this gym on one of our walks around the neighborhood.  I was looking for a new community, new lifestyle and exercise changes, and just new adventures, and eventually decided to give the free class a try.  Everybody I talked to from the first time I walked in was so kind and welcoming, it really made me excited to come back.

Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?

I’d always thought part of the brand was super high intensity and thought that meant you had to be really athletic and already in great shape to enjoy it.  I was thrilled to learn I was totally wrong and that it’s a lot of fun even at super introductory levels.  Having such a welcoming environment, plenty of scaling options, and coaches who encourage you no matter what level you’re at fixed all of my misconceptions really quickly.

Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?

I started almost exactly a year ago!  I think I took Foundations in May 2023.  Coming into it I had general goals of being healthier.  I had a lot of back pain issues and terrible cardio.  So I wanted to try new ways to feel better.  The diversity of CrossFit really appealed to me – Having better cardio, being stronger, being able to move around pain-free, it all had a lot of appeal.  I didn’t set myself any particular benchmarks, I just wanted to generally be healthier.

Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?

Being open-minded and committing to the process.  I really try to check all prior beliefs at the door and if a coach tells me to do something, I do it 🙂

Q: What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?

Focus on having fun and working hard and don’t measure progress *too* much.  Certainly don’t compare your progress to other people.  There’s so many dimensions to CrossFit, and everybody is progressing at different speeds on each dimension.  Just enjoy your own journey and support everybody else on their journey.

Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?

I try to do a lot of work on mobility and I’ve tried to be smarter about my diet.  I don’t count calories but eating more vegetables goes a really long way.  It’s harder to overeat when half your plate is veggies. 

Q: What benefits have you noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym?

Honestly everything about life gets easier and more enjoyable.  Having a stronger core means I don’t get back pain anymore.  I can run with my dog and not get out of breath.  I sleep better and I’m less stressed.  It’s pretty incredible how different life is.

Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?

The coaches and community!  I’ve made a lot of friends at BCF, every day when I come in I’m excited to see who will be there and there are good groups that hang out outside the gym now too.  The coaches are truly fantastic. Everybody is extremely well-educated and well-trained, but also everybody has their own perspective and their own way of thinking about the sport.  So I always learn something new every time I talk to a coach!

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I am from Scotland and was doing CrossFit there so I knew that I needed to find a CrossFit box when I moved to Arlington. I have been active all my life and I have to say CrossFit is definitely the best sport/exercise program I have ever done. The coaching that you receive is like nothing I have experienced before. I searched online for a local CrossFit and I loved the look of the community at Ballston CrossFit.  

Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?
Nothing! Being at a CrossFit box in Scotland I didn’t have any reservations about joining Ballston CrossFit. I have been to various CrossFit gyms around the world when I travel and I have found that most are very welcoming. 

Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I started in April 2023 and my goals were to have fun, meet new people, improve my form and maintain a level of fitness that I had already built up. I committed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in January 2024 (which I have done!) and I knew that time restrictions within my life would prevent me from doing lots of training to hike. I knew that by staying consistent at CrossFit it would really help me with the climb. I am delighted to say I succeeded at climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and I know that by attending Ballston CrossFit it really helped me to achieve that. 

Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
The community, the coaches, the programming, my mindset and my commitment to showing up. All the classes are coached by incredible coaches who have so much patience, knowledge and belief in you. The classes follow a program that is designed to help you become your best.

Q: What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
Don’t prejudge what CrossFit is and be coachable! I believe people have an idea of what CrossFit is and they talk themselves out of it without really knowing how beneficial it would be for them. The coaches at CrossFit give you so much guidance on helping you to decide what you want to achieve during your CrossFit journey. Once you know what your goals are, listen to the coaches and do what they advise – these guys really know their stuff! I would also recommend to not take yourself too seriously and have fun while learning, it can be frustrating when you can’t get the technique right. Commit to at least 6 months before deciding if CrossFit is for you or not. I guarantee if you do that you will know it’s for you.

Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
Sleep! I have a very busy life and the thing that I would always sacrifice is sleep. I learned that to get the best out of my workouts I had to become disciplined to getting my 8 hours sleep every night. I have also learned the importance of recovery days where I don’t do any fitness except maybe some light stretching. 

Q: What benefits have you noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym?
I have noticed that my stamina and posture have both improved dramatically. My body feels strong and I find every day tasks to much easier than I used to. I believe lots of people suffer back pain from sitting for long periods and prior to CrossFit I would be one of those people. I have never suffered back pain since I started doing CrossFit. I am much more flexible than I used to be and my body just feels fit and healthy – it’s a great feeling. 

Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
The community and how I feel after a workout. Often in class I will be the slowest of the person with the least weight and I have never once felt intimidated or less than – Nobody here ever makes you feel like that. There are days that I could easily talk myself out of going, however there is no better feeling than how you feel once you have finished class.

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I heard about CrossFit from a friend and Ballston CrossFit member, Tiffany.  What convinced me to try CrossFit was Tiffany’s enthusiasm for CrossFit training and the prospect that CrossFit programming would match my goals.  Prior to CrossFit, I was very motivated to stay healthy, but I was only aware of how to perform cardio.  I would put on my running shoes, step outside and go, that was easy.  As I got older, injuries became a recurrent problem, and measuring success by my run time or VO2 max just wasn’t inspiring me.  I was looking for guidance on cross training with resistance, gymnastic, and mobility work.
Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?
Unfamiliarity with my options and resistance to change.  I had never been to an instructed group fitness class, ever.  
Q: When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I started CrossFit summer 2022 at the age of 50.  I did have one specific goal which was to perform a pullup.  At that very first foundations class, I was very surprised that I could not perform a proper squat, I was unsure of jumping, and my flexibility was awful.  I realized I needed to put in a LOT of work to master the basics, and I embraced the challenge.  And I did get my first pullup within the year!
Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
The coaches!  The methodology of CrossFit programing that includes cardio, gymnastics, strength training, and plyometrics along with changing the workout daily is a winning strategy.
Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
Being naïve to group training and functional fitness, CrossFit did not seem accessible to me.  At Ballston CrossFit, I see people at different levels of their fitness journey, and I found an inclusive and supportive atmosphere.  Also, as we are all trying to balance a busy life and fitness, I find CrossFit training to be very time efficient.
Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
I have made some dietary changes, primarily focused on increasing protein intake.
Q: What benefits have you noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym? 
A lot!  I have much better flexibility and the routine, every day, functional movements such as bending, squatting, and climbing are much easier.  And the best part is that the pain I experienced from running related overuse injuries is no longer present.  Nothing hurts!
Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
My personal journey has been even more rewarding and FUN because Ballston CrossFit is a special place, bringing together a coaching team and members who support each other, and I look forward to every single workout!

Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?
I learned of Ballston CrossFit from Coach and Owner Tucker. I appreciated how committed he and the BCF team were to welcoming and including individuals from all backgrounds along with BCF’s investment in the greater community. 
Q: What stopped you from coming in sooner?
I was not familiar with what CrossFit looked like and whether this was something I could do. Despite some gym workouts here and there over the years, I always felt like a zero-beginner gym guy as a longtime runner who avoided the gym environment.
Q:When did you start at BCF and what were your goals going into it?
I have been around BCF for a number of years, yet I was not very consistent. My aim has been to build more muscle and to get into better shape. The trick for me has been discipline in terms of making it into the gym. In 2022, I only went to approximately 42 workouts. In 2023, I set a goal to aim for consistency by coming for 100 workouts at BCF. On December 30, 2023, I came for my 107th and final WOD (workout of the day) for 2023! Now with better consistency, I aim to continue to come in and make progress on various CrossFit movements.
Q: What has helped you achieve success at BCF?
The special feature of BCF is the community. The coaches are amazing, super supportive, and helpful. I like to say that BCF stands for Best Coaches For Real! The gym members are also incredible! I appreciate how supportive everyone is of each other whether accomplishing a PR, participating in the CrossFit Open or other competition, or simply just showing up and completing the workout. There are so many people at BCF that I genuinely care about and look up to as individuals.
Q:What advice can you give to others that are new to CrossFit?
Ballston CrossFit is welcoming to all individuals and all fitness levels. I am not naturally inclined at working out in the gym environment, yet I have never felt safer working in a gym than when I do at Ballston CrossFit. I know I can rely on expert coaches who can guide me on my form and challenge me to have a rigorous workout. Also, while most of the members are much further along in their fitness journey than I am, they are all super encouraging and welcoming! I really do appreciate the supportive vibes here.
Q: Besides working out, what other lifestyle changes did you make outside of the gym to achieve your goals?
I worked with a specialist to make updates to my nutrition and exercise plan. I lost around 30 lbs as a result. The great news is that BCF works with a variety of specialists, so resources are available for individualized coaching from nutrition to personal training, etc. I also follow Dr. James DiNicolantonio (@drjamesdinic) online. He regularly posts encouraging and informative content reminding folks about the best exercise for weight loss and maintaining health is weight lifting. 

 Q: What benefits have you noticed since starting CrossFit both in or out of the gym? 
I definitely have felt a sense of endorphins and confidence that has carried me throughout other areas. From being better able to open a jar for a family member or for having a renewed sense of calm at home or work after a workout, working out at BCF is changing my life for the better. 
Q: What has been your favorite thing about Ballston CrossFit?
In addition to the community of coaches and members, I would have to say the focus on precision and safety at BCF, BCF’s Coaches, and BCF’s Community! Form and technique are critical, and BCF does not cut corners.

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