Free Beginner CrossFit Class (12:00 pm) REGISTER HERE
Hello Ballston CrossFit Community!!!
Thank you to all of you for another successful year at BCF and for completing our member survey. We appreciate all of the feedback that you gave us as it helps us to continue to improve our operations and your experience at the gym.
We are extremely proud to have gotten very positive responses about our coaching team and also some great constructive feedback on how we can get even better. We believe that our coaches are the best of the best and they are dedicated to growing as coaches so that they can provide you with the best possible CrossFit experience.
We are also very proud of our strong community. On a daily basis we see you all supporting and encouraging each other through tough workouts and building great relationships before/after classes and outside of the gym. One of our favorite quotes from this year’s survey was, “I have so many FRIENDS now thanks to BCF! Including my newly exposed abs.”
After reading through all of your feedback and analyzing the needs for BCF, we will be making some changes and improvements to the gym (some of these have already been completed).
Community Building Improvements!
There were a good number of comments asking for more community events outside of the gym. We will definitely be making a push to organize more events for you all and we have some things already on our schedule coming up. Make sure to be checking the events calendars (on whiteboards and on the website). We would also really love to see some of BCF’s most social butterflies help us out with creating opportunities for people to get together. Please feel free to utilize the BCF members page for organizing your own BCF outings (happy hours, hikes, bike rides, etc.). If you would like some extra help with setting up an event or you just have a fun idea, email [email protected] and Crissy can give you some assistance with spreading the word. We wanted to give a special shout out to Keith Willis for getting together his “Silver Nanos” crew for their happy hours.
Schedule Changes!
BCF’s membership has continued to grow in the last year and our attendance has been booming. In order to meet the attendance demands for you all we have been expanding our CrossFit class schedule. In the near future we will also be adding the following non-CrossFit classes:
- Pain and Mobility seminar with Dr. Coach Alex
- Weekly mobility class when new assistant manager Brian joins the team in April
- Sunday skills class when new assistant manager Brian joins the team in April
- Expanded Sunday open gym time (already added)
- Once warmer weather rolls around again and we can use the great outdoors, we will add a weekend Boot Camp to see if we have enough demand for the class
Facilities Improvements!
- Adding a new whiteboard in warmup area with daily mobility
- More consistent platform maintenance
- New wood in high traffic spots
- More regular maintenance to drop areas
- Repainting the gym this spring
- New small whiteboards for WOD scoring
- New iPad with better camera to improve our social media and whiteboard posts
- Replaced old speakers and installed a shelf to move one off of the kettlebell storage area
- New front door (the replacement of this was part of lease renewal so unfortunately we were at the mercy of the building managers to replace it, that is why it took so long)
- New HVAC system (the replacement of this was part of lease renewal so unfortunately we were at the mercy of the building managers to replace it, that is why it took so long)
- Locker rooms are repaired! We are given access to these by the building management and closing was out of our control and unexpected. There are no more repairs scheduled for the foreseeable future.
- Increased frequency of gym cleaning
- We are awaiting a revised proposal from our cleaning company to determine if we can fit more frequent gym cleaning into our budget.
- Improved bathroom organization
- We are committed to improving the bathroom organization and are currently researching options on how to make this happen. Note – it will never be a perfect scenario as the zamboni floor scrubber and mop bucket need to go somewhere and the bathroom is the only location.
Programming Changes!
We have seen a lot of amazing progress with our athletes in the past year and we are very excited in the direction that our programming has taken. As always, with questions and comments regarding programming, shoot Coach Brock an email ([email protected]) and he would be happy to help you out.
- Increased frequency of benchmark workouts
- Now that we have gotten through all of our special holiday workouts, we will be aiming to do 2-3 benchmark/hero workouts each month.
- More gymnastics technique work
- There will be an increase in this later in the years programming. You will see shifts in focus for our programming every few months. For now, check out the Tuesday skills class with Coach Cooper!
- More Long, “Cardio” workouts
- These comments came just in time for us to be shifting gears into a more conditioning-focused block of programming.
If you have any other questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out. Thanks, again!!!
Also, if you love BCF and haven’t already shared your experience on Yelp/Google with a 5 star review, we would really appreciate it!!! Those reviews go a long way in helping new members decide to check out our awesome gym.

15/12 Calorie Ski Erg (Fx: 12/10)
50 Double Unders
Rest 1:00 after AMRAP
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike (Fx: 12/10)
10 Push Press (135/95) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 155/105)
Rest 1:00 after AMRAP
15/12 Calorie Row (Fx: 12/10)
10 Burpees Over the Row
Rest 1:00 after AMRAP
200m Run
5 Strict Pull Ups (Fx: Kipping Pull Ups) (Rx+: Strict C2B Pull Ups)
Rest 1:00 after AMRAP
20 Dumbbell Goblet Squats (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Rx+ 70/50)
10 Toes to Bar
Rest 1:00 after AMRAP