Bring a Friend day Tuesday, May 16. Come train with a friend or family member at any WOD! We will have a fun WOD for all fitness levels (no CrossFit experience necessary). We want to share our passion for what we do here with others and it starts with you. Be sure to share our event on your Facebook pages!
Strength for the week
Monday: Hang Power Clean EMOM
Tuesday: Double MetCons
Wednesday: Snatch, Back Squat, and Barbell Row
Thursday: Push Press
Friday: Handstand Walk Technique
Saturday: “The Chief”
Sunday: Deadlift
Hang Power Clean EMOM 10:
ODD: 4 Hang Power Cleans (ME)
Even: 8 Burpees over the bar
4 Rounds for Time:
20 Alternating DB Snatches 50/35, Fx: 40/30
20 DB Step Ups* 24/20, 50/35 Fx: 40/30
200 M Run
*Hold DB in suitcase hold