Overview Of The Week:
Monday: Power Cleans
Tuesday: Front Squats
Wednesday: Deadlifts
Thursday: Strict Press
Friday: Row, Run, Bike
Saturday: Open 19.4
Sunday: Over Head Squats
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Show up between 5:15pm-6:45pm to receive free ART soft tissue treatment from our friends at Full Motion Life & Sport! If you have any tweaks or tightness, they can fix you up!
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5 Year Member Highlight: James Ursini
– How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)?
3 days a week, typically early morning or late at night
– What is your favorite thing about BCF?
The incredible coaching staff. I have visited other boxes and there are not coaches comparable to the ones at BCF.
– What is your favorite movement/workout? Least favorite?
Favorite moment is hitting that PR after trying a few times. When you finally hit it, there is this amazing rush of accomplishment! My least favorite is that point in the workout where you question yourself if you can finish it, but than a coach comes over and is like “lets go you got this” or another member working out with you pushes you and everything is goes and you finish strong.
– What is your favorite post WOD meal?
Mighty Meals. I love their meals and they are just the right portion! The chicken basics with sweet potatoes and green beans. YUM
– What accomplishment are you most proud of (inside or outside the box)?
Inside the box for me was being able to compete against Keith W in the Old Man Competition last year in the Open. It was just fun, but for me after 2 kids and on and off with my performance, being pushed to compete again, even in a small arena like that was great! Outside the box is my amazing family. I have the most amazing wife and 2 incredible kids I do not know where I would be without them.
– What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year?
I want to drop back to my goal weight. I am not sure about this 6 pack thing, but to drop some of this weight would be amazing, so about 15 lbs. – What advice can you provide to people new to the box? Don’t quit, even when it is hard, just keep pushing yourself. Drop the weight and work back up to it, do smaller increments; and when it gets tough, look around and someone will be there to push you or cheer you on! That is Crossfit and that is BCF!
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7 Rounds
Min 1: 5 Box Jumps (ME)
Min 2: 3 Power Clean (ME)
Min 3: Rest
Power Cleans do not need to be touch and go.
4 Rounds
200m Run
50 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)
Post WOD Finisher
For Time
50/40 Calorie Assault Bike