As most of you have met her, The rest will shortly. We are excited to officially announce that Monika Porter will be joining us as an Assistant Manager! She has been coaching for a few years, has her CF-L2 and brings a lot of excellent skills to our team. Monika will help us take BCF to the next level! We continue to strive in our pursuit of improvement and excellence and we have a vision for 2022 being the best year ever for what we offer our members! This will include new WOD times (weekday mid-mornings), more secondary coaches on large WODs and a large increase in open gym options (all day Sunday, Monday, Tues and Wed)!!

Weekly Overview | Events/Classes | |
Monday | Gymnastics EMOM | 5:00-7:00pm – FREE ART Soft Tissue Treatment from Full Motion Life & Sport 7:30PM @ BCF, Momentum Nutrition Challenge seminar. Sign up on Zen Planner |
Tuesday | Back Squat | Core Blast @ 6:45PM Mobility @ 6PM Foot, Ankle and Calf |
Wednesday | “Mary” | No Skills Class |
Thursday | Split Jerks | |
Friday | Power Clean Front Squat Complex | |
Saturday | Deadlift | |
Sunday | Gymnastics EMOM | Yoga: 10AM! NEW CLASSES: – skills class 1:30pm – WOD 4:30pm – Open Gym 12:15-5:30pm |
1: 8 – 12 Seated Leg Raises
2: :45 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold
3: 3 – 5 Ring Muscle Ups (Fx: 5 Russian Push Ups + 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups)
4: 8 Alternating Barbell Side Bends
4 Rounds
8 Each Side Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlifts (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)
16 American Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)
32 Sit Ups (Rx+: Weighted (25/15))