Monday, April 6, 2020

At Home WOD Stream Times
MondayCrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE
Core Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE
TuesdayYoga – 12:00PM JOIN HERE
CrossFit – 5:30PM JOIN HERE
WednesdayCrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE
Core Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE
ThursdayCrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE
Yoga – 5:30PM JOIN HERE
FridayCrossFit – 12:00PM JOIN HERE
Mobility Seminar with Coach Alex – 6:30PM JOIN HERE
SaturdayCrossFit – 10:00AM JOIN HERE
SundayYoga – 10:00AM JOIN HERE


4 Rounds
Max Unbroken Strict HSPU (Fx: Pike HSPU)
Rest 2:00 After Each Round

“Support Your Local Box Workout 1”

10 Air Squats
9 Dumbbell Snatches Right Arm (50/35)
10 Push-ups
9 Dumbbell Snatches Left Arm (50/35)

The workout can be performed with any weight that is suitable for your fitness level. If you don’t have access to dumbbells, any object you can safely take from the ground to over your head works just as well. Here are some creative substitutes: Dumbbell of a different weight, Plastic milk jug, Can of food, Water bottle, Kettlebell.

You can find more information about the “Support Your Local Box” fundraiser HERE.