Friday, February 1, 2019

5 Year Member Highlight Eric Rubino 

– How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)?

7 days per week overall. 3-4 days of CF

– What is your favorite thing about BCF?

The staff!!! The coaches are very passionate, they pay attention, the actually want to help you improve. You can tell it’s more than a job to them.

– What is your favorite movement/workout?

Cleans / anything body weight

– Least favorite?

Overhead squat

– What is your favorite post WOD meal?

Baked cod with panko, italian bread crumbs, pecorino ramono cheese and french green beans

– What accomplishment are you most proud of (inside or outside the box)?

It’s a toss up between suckering Jaclyn Smyth to marry me and building up my strength to be able to use body weight or more for a good amount of lifts.

– What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year?

Ring muscle up is my ultimate goal

– What advice can you provide to people new to the box?

Stick with it and don’t become another victim of the suck. After you start you will see effects right away, then comes the suck. If you can make it through the suck, real permanent progress can be achieved.

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E2MOM 12
2 Deadlifts @85-90%


5 Rounds:
Min 1: 5 Touch and Go Power Clean and Jerks (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 165/115)
Min 2: AMRAP HSPU (Rx+: 4″/2″ Deficit)
Min 3: Rest

Philippians 4:13 – I can do everything through him who gives me strength.