BCF Buddy Program!!! Do you remember your first day walking into BCF? Was your first workout slightly intimidating because you didn’t know anyone or didn’t have a BUDDY with you? We all know that first day, and even first couple weeks, makes you feel out of place and wishing you had someone to ask questions...Read More
Strength: 16:00 to Establish:1RM Bench Press Conditioning: 30 Hang Squat Snatches (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 165/115)But…E2MOM Including 0:0020/15 Calorie Row (Fx: 15/10)Time Cap 14:00Read More
ROWING CLINIC THIS SATURDAY CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP On Saturday, June 12th, we will be having a Rowing Clinic taught by D-1 Rower and CrossFit Route 7 Coach, Elizabeth. This rowing clinic will teach you the ideal Rowing mechanics you will need to maximize your efficiency and improve not just your row splits, but...Read More
BCF Buddy Program!!! Do you remember your first day walking into BCF? Was your first workout slightly intimidating because you didn’t know anyone or didn’t have a BUDDY with you? We all know that first day, and even first couple weeks, makes you feel out of place and wishing you had someone to ask questions...Read More
Weekly OverviewEvents/ClassesMondayDeadliftsTuesdayLong ConditioningCore Blast – 6:45pm! WednesdayBack SquatsThursdayBench PressFridayLower Body StrengthSaturdayPower CleanSkills Class at 1:15pm: Handstand PushupsSundayCore StrengthYoga – 10:00am One last farewell to Cooper and Susie as they both move on to their next adventure in life. We wish you two the best and know you both will do great things! Goodluck! Strength:...Read More
On Saturday, June 12nd, we will be having a Rowing Clinic taught by D-1 Rower and CrossFit Route 7 Coach, Elizabeth. This rowing clinic will teach you the ideal Rowing mechanics you will need to maximize your efficiency and improve not just your row splits, but your metcon times in general. 75 minute class$30/person8 person...Read More
BCF Buddy Program!!! Do you remember your first day walking into BCF? Was your first workout slightly intimidating because you didn’t know anyone or didn’t have a BUDDY with you? We all know that first day, and even first couple weeks, makes you feel out of place and wishing you had someone to ask questions...Read More
Susie and Cooper Farewell Celebration! Come join us this Friday night, June 4th, to celebrate and hang out with Susie and Cooper before they both leave the area. We will be meeting at Port City Brewery at 7:30pm in Alexandria. See you there! BCF Buddy Program!!! Do you remember your first day walking into BCF?...Read More
New Programming Block!!! Starting Tuesday, June 1st we will begin a new block of programming at BCF and CF Route 7. This programming block will be about two months long, ending in the beginning of August. The main goal for this block of programming will be to increase our strength endurance. Some elements from...Read More
On Saturday, June 12nd, we will be having a Rowing Clinic taught by D-1 Rower and CrossFit Route 7 Coach, Elizabeth. This rowing clinic will teach you the ideal Rowing mechanics you will need to maximize your efficiency and improve not just your row splits, but your metcon times in general. 75 minute class$30/person8 person...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.