Fitness: Power snatch to snatch balance, 10×1.2 (A) Performance: Power snatch to snatch balance, find heavy complex (1.2) *Complex is one power snatch to two snatch balances. EMOTM 20: Evens: row 15 calories Odds: 2 snatches, 75% of complexRead More
Fitness: Front squat to jerk, 10×1 (A) Fitness: Front squat to jerk, find heavy single Fitness: AMRAP 12: 12 handstand pushups 12 kettlebell swings, 24/16* 12 sit-ups 200m run Performance: AMRAP 12: 12 handstand pushups (guys to a 45lb deficit) 12 kettlebell swings, 32/24* 12 sit-ups 200m run *Games Standard kettlebell swings Read More
EMOTM 10: Evens: 5 muscle ups Odds: 5 box jumps (high – athletes choice) Fitness & performance: AMRAP 15: 5 power cleans, 145/100 15 wallball shots, 20/14* 30 double unders *Each time you drop the wallball shots, add 5 double unders to rep count for remainder of the workout.Read More
Make sure you enter your CrossFit Open 15.2 scores before 8pm Monday night! Great job this week. ====================================================================== Fitness: Deadlifts, 5×5 (A) Performance: Deadlift, find a 5RM Fitness: 5 rounds for time: Row 200m 10 shoulder to overhead, 115/80* 10 burpees over bar Performance: 5 rounds for time: Row 200m 10 shoulder to overhead, 135/95*...Read More
Yoga is on and Jenn will be teaching it at 10am! If you still need to do 15.2, come in the evening and be ready to start the WOD at 6:30pm. Click here for a great yoga and CrossFit article. WOD schedule for Sunday – 11:15am,5:30pm. Please RESERVE classes! ================================================== Fitness: Thrusters, 7×2 (A) Fitness: Thrusters, find heavy...Read More
Regular schedule on Friday. Lets get it! ============================================================= Power clean and split jerk technique work Fitness: Power clean to front squat to split jerk, 10×1.2.1 (A) Weighted (back rack) lunges, 3×10 (A) Performance: Power clean to front squat to split jerk, find a heavy single (1.2.1) Weighted (back rack) lunges, 3×10 (A) *Complex is...Read More
Update: Due to light reservations, we’ll just be running at 5:30 & 6:30pm WOD this evening. Due to the impending snow storm, it is likely we are going to be canceling a handful of classes on Thursday. We WILL have a 5:30am, 6:30am, 10am (no heat – dress WARM), open gym from 11am-noon and a...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.