Full schedule today! =================================== Sweet Bees Paleo Tasting has been postponed to Monday, February 8 due to weather conditions. =================================== Last week of January means saying farewell to coaches Sarah and James. Join them in their last classes coaching at BCF this week: Wed, Jan 27– 4:30 & 5:30pm – farewell WOD for Coach Sarah Thurs,...Read More
Sunday Snow Schedule 10am: Yoga with Claire. Free for members, $10 for friends. 11:15am: WOD ==================================================== Sweet Bees, a DC based gluten-free sugarfree bake shop wants to cure your sweet tooth with delicious samples that are healthier for you. They’re guilt-free & gluten-free, honestly! So come out on Monday, January 25th from 6-8pm and taste...Read More
Saturday Snow Schedule 10am: WOD 11:15am: Core Blast 12:00-2:30pm: Open Gym ======================================= Sunday Snow Schedule 10am: Yoga with Claire. Free for members, $10 for friends. 11:15am: WOD ======================================= Today’s WOD will remain a surprise…travel safely and see you at 10am!!!Read More
SNOW SCHEDULE UPDATE: Today: regular schedule except 4:30pm WOD will be Open Gym instead and no 5:30pm Boot Camp Saturday: one WOD at 10am (50 person cap), 11:15am Core Blast (50 person cap) **bring a yoga mat to Core Blast** Sunday: 10am Yoga, one WOD at 11:15am (50 person cap) **Please...Read More
Warm weather is not the only thing to look forward to this spring… We are excited to announce that onSaturday, April 23, 2016, CrossFit Route 7 will host the inaugural Route 7 Rumble, an individual and team CrossFit competition! REGISTER now to reserve your spot and mark the date on your calendar! ======================================================= Overhead Squat...Read More
Warm weather is not the only thing to look forward to this spring… We are excited to announce that on Saturday, April 23, 2016, CrossFit Route 7 will host the inaugural Route 7 Rumble, an individual and team CrossFit competition! REGISTER now to reserve your spot and mark the date on your calendar! ================================================= Partner WOD...Read More
Reminder: 6:30pm Free Class tonight! Invite your friends, family and coworkers! ================================================ Core Blast Update: After a trial run of Core Blast counting as half a class, we have decided to count Core Blast as a single class each time you attend. ================================================ Rope Climb Technique: 12 Climbs for Time 6 Rounds For time:...Read More
Happy Martin Luther King Day – we’ll be adding 10am Open gym if you aren’t working! The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the...Read More
Yoga today at 10am with Claire. Free for members, $10 for friends. In addition, CFR7 now offers Sunday yoga at 5:45pm if you cannot make the morning class! ================================================== BIG thank you to everyone who came out to the Grand Opening of CFR7 2.0 yesterday! ================================================== Every 2 Minutes for 10 mins: 1 Snatch (full)...Read More
TODAY: CrossFit Route 7 2.0 Grand Opening!!! Time to celebrate our community and our beautiful new box! **Note: BCF will not have any morning WODs but will offer open gym from 12-2:30pm. Please come to CFR7 to check out the new box (easy 12-15 minute drive or metro over and we’re one block from the...Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.