Please Note: Tuesday Core Blast now meets from 5:40-6:10 pm. Free Class tonight at 6:30pm! As always, invite your friends to a fun, free workout and share with them the community you love! =================================================== Mark your calendars and invite your friends: Thursday, May 26 is “Free Bring a Friend to WOD Day” and “WOD with...Read More
Yoga today at 10:00 am with Jenna! Free for members, $10 for friends. ============================================= 20 Minutes to find Heaviest 3 Position Snatch 1 Snatch + 1 Low hang Snatch (KNEE)+ 1 Hi hang Snatch (HIP) * SQUAT FOR ALL Snatch Balance 6 x 3 ~60-80%Read More
Free Class today at 12:00pm! Invite your friends, family, and coworkers to a free, fun workout– no experience necessary! ==================================================== Deadlift: 3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90% 4 rounds for time 6 Muscle ups, Fx; C2B 7 SDHP 115/80, Fx: 95/65 (RX+135/95) 8 BastardsRead More
Mark your calendars and invite your friends: Thursday, May 26 is “Free Bring a Friend to WOD Day” and “WOD with Warriors- 21 Guns” in collaboration with Team RWB! Friends are welcome to join during any WOD time throughout the day. Our 6:30pm WOD will be a special workout with Team RWB! A 21 Gun...Read More
Mark your calendars and invite your friends: Thursday, May 26 is “Free Bring a Friend to WOD Day” and “WOD with Warriors- 21 Guns” in collaboration with Team RWB! Friends are welcome to join during any WOD time throughout the day. Our 6:30pm WOD will be a special workout with Team RWB! A 21 Gun...Read More
Mark your calendars and invite your friends: Thursday, May 26 is “Free Bring a Friend to WOD Day” and “WOD with Warriors- 21 Guns” in collaboration with Team RWB! Friends are welcome to join during any WOD time throughout the day. Our 6:30pm WOD will be a special workout with Team RWB! A 21 Gun...Read More
Free Class tonight at 6:30 pm! Invite your friends, coworkers, and family and join them in a fun, free workout! No experience necessary. =============================================== Strict Press 3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90% “DT” In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF...Read More
Today is the last day to purchase clothing at lululemon to be customized with the BCF logo! ============================================ Bar Muscle Up Technique 30-20-10 Front Rack Lunges 95/65, Fx: 75/55 Box Jumps 24/20 15:00 Cap Tabata Finisher: Air squats Double Unders AlternatingRead More
Yoga today at 10:00 am with Claire. Free for members, $10 for friends! Unsure if you should go? Read this article! ====================================================================== Tomorrow is your last day to buy lululemon gear to be printed with the Ballston CrossFit logo! Do not miss out, head to lululemon Clarendon today! Free printing and convenient delivery to BCF...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.