Free class at noon! Labor Day schedule is below (please register for classes by FRIDAY and we will add more if we need them) Saturday – 10am & 11am WOD, free class at noon and open gym at noon Sunday – 10am yoga, 11am WOD, noon Barbell Club and open gym at noon Monday – 10am...Read More
Labor Day schedule is below (please register for classes by FRIDAY and we will add more if we need them) Friday – regular schedule Saturday – 10am & 11am WOD, free class at noon and open gym at noon Sunday – 10am yoga, 11am WOD, noon Barbell Club and open gym at noon Monday – 10am...Read More
Labor Day schedule is below (please register for classes by FRIDAY and we will add more if we need them) Friday – regular schedule Saturday – 10am & 11am WOD, free class at noon and open gym at noon Sunday – 10am yoga, 11am WOD, noon Barbell Club and open gym at noon Monday – 10am...Read More
Skills class at 8:30pm. Skills covered are butterfly pull-ups and kipping ring dips. Labor Day schedule is below (please register for classes by FRIDAY and we will add more if we need them) Friday – regular schedule Saturday – 10am & 11am WOD, free class at noon and open gym at noon Sunday – 10am yoga,...Read More
Labor Day schedule will get posted tomorrow. ======================================================================================= Fitness: Push press, find a heavy double 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Power cleans, 115/80 Box jumps, 24/20 *Every two minutes, complete 5 burpees Performance: Push press, 10×3 (A@70 to 75% of 1RM split jerk) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Power cleans, 155/105 Box jumps, 32/26 *Every two minutes, complete 5 burpeesRead More
We want to congratulate all of the athletes and spectators that came to the BCF Throwdown and summer BBQ. We had a fun time cheering on some awesome performances in the 3 WODs! Great job by everyone…and the event ended in a TIE (after some scoring difficulties)! Also, special thanks to morning athlete Adam Green...Read More
Yoga with sub Jenna at 10am. ===================================================== Fitness: Power clean, 5×3 (A) Performance: Power clean, 2×3 (70%); 2×2 (75%); 2×1 (80%) *Based on 1RM (squat) clean Fitness & performance: Ballston CrossFit AM vs. PM Throwdown Event #3: In teams of two, complete the following (one partner working at a time): 50 box jumps (24/20)...Read More
Reminder – BCF BBQ and Throwdown is this afternoon – starting at 4:30pm! Free class at noon, feel free to bring your friends! ============================================================================================== Fitness: Power snatch, find heavy double Performance: Snatch, find heavy double Fitness: For time: 30 snatches, 95/65 *Every 5th rep, complete 3 overhead squats in a row. Reps must be consecutive...Read More
Reminder – BCF BBQ and Throwdown is this Sat! Athletes – I’d recommend taking a REST DAY today! ============================================================================================== Fitness: Split jerk, technique work then 10×1 (A) Performance: Split jerk, find heavy single Fitness: 4 rounds for time: 5 push jerks, 135/95 10 ring rows 30 double unders 4 rounds for time: 5 push jerks,...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.