Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Warm weather is not the only thing to look forward to this spring… We are excited to announce that on Saturday, April 23, 2016, CrossFit Route 7 will host the inaugural Route 7 Rumble, an individual and team CrossFit competition!
REGISTER now to reserve your spot and mark the date on your calendar!
Partner WOD
For Time
60 Calorie Row
80 WBS 20/14 FX:14/10
100 Double Unders Each (FX:300 singles)
120m walking Lunges
100 Double Unders Each (FX:300 singles)
80 WBS 20/14 FX:14/10
60 Calorie Row
*1 athlete works at a time (RX DU’s)
*FX can do Single Unders together

Finisher EMOM 10
2 Deadlifts @ 75-85%